Chapter 1: Exhilaration

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Chapter 1: Exhilaration

Cato and I sat hunched over in our brush. Watching excitedly as the ground in front of the Cornucopia split in two, allowing a round table to be raised above ground. On the table sat four backpacks. There were two large black ones, with the numbers 2 and 11 printed on them. There was a medium sized green one with the number 5 printed on it. Then, there was a pathetic little orange pack that had the number 12 on it. I smirked.

Then, Kassidy, the red head from 5, sprinted to the table and in one fluent movement, grabbed her pack and disappeared into the forest. I smiled. She was on our hit-list, but our target for this event was Katniss. If we succeeded in killing her, Peeta would also be doomed.

I got ready to sprint, knife in hand. Then, I see Fire Girl race towards the table.

I run behind Katniss. Then, I throw a knife. She has very good reflects and deflects my knife with her bow. Glimmer's bow! Fire Girl sends an arrow towards me. I jump to my right but it still hits my left arm. I pull the arrow out and examined the wound. It wasn't too bad. I then pulled out another knife and followed Fire Girl. Katniss picks up her pack and I throw a knife. It slices open her forehead.

She attempts to shoot me again, but I knock her over. We end up rolling around for a bit. But I eventually get on top of her, pinning her shoulders to the ground with my knees.

A wicked grin spread across my face. "Where's your boyfriend, Twelve? Still hanging on?

"He's out there now. Hunting Cato," she snarls. "Peeta!" she screams.

I slam my fist onto her throat. I look around quickly. I don't know what damage Cato did. Even though I really doubt that Peeta's out there, there is still that small chance. "Liar!" I give her a sadistic smirk. "He's nearly dead. Cato knows where he cut him. You've probably got him strapped up in some tree while you try to keep his heart going. What's in the pretty little backpack? That medicine for Lover Boy? Too bad he'll never get it." I taunt.

Then, I pull open my jacket, showing her my collection of knives. I run my fingers over each one. Then, I pull out the deadliest of I have. A stout knife with a curved blade and black handle. "I promised Cato if he let me have you, I'd give the audience a good show." The blood from her head wound blinded her. Dripping into her mouth.

She doesn't stop struggling. I've got to give her a... tiny... very tiny amount of respect for her efforts. "Forget it 12," I sneer. "We're going to kill you. Just like we did to your pathetic little ally...." I give her a wicked grin. Then continued in a sour and innocent voice, "What was her name? The one who hopped around the trees? Rue?" Katniss struggles harder, I knew I had just rubbed salt in her emotional wound. "Well, first Rue, then you, and I think we'll just let nature take care of Lover Boy. How does that sound?" I mock. "Now, where to start...?"

I roughly wipe away the blood off of her face with my sleeve. Then, I tilt her chin, looking over her face in a way that should drive her mad. She tries to bite my hand away. I just grab her hair and slam her head violently against the ground. "I think...." I purr, "I think we'll start with your mouth."

Katniss spat a fowl mixture of her head blood and saliva into my face. I wiped it away angrily. "Okay then, let's begin."

I cut into the skin around Fire Girl's lips. "Don't worry, Katniss. Those won't be any use to you now, anyways."

I traced her face with the point of the blade. I pressed hard enough to break through the skin. Soon enough, Katniss had deep cuts across her face. I'm about to cut into the soft part beneath her left eye when I hear Cato call.

"Clove! Run!" I turn to see Thresh charging towards me like a mad man.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I have to run," I say to Katniss. Patting her cheek. I jump off her and run.

I give a smirk as Thresh finally gives up. He heads back to the table. Our backpack! He'll take our backpack!

Thresh goes to grab his pack, and ours, when I see a glorious sight. Cato jumps out of the Cornucopia, sword in hand, and slams it into Thresh's unsuspecting back.

Thresh turns around swiftly, in a fit of anger and pain. I know Cato won't be able to take Thresh on by himself for long.

I hurry back to Katniss. She's tried to make her way to the woods. Seeking safety. Her blood is clogged in her eyes and I know she can't see.

I grabbed her shoulder and tug her to the ground. I put one foot on her belly and pull her right arm up.

"So sorry to cut our appointment short, Dear. But you see," I slice open her right wrist. I am rewarded by her pained scream. "But you see" I say through gritted teeth, grabbing her left arm, "I'm needed somewhere else." I slit her left wrist and leave her there to die.

I run to Cato. His sword has been knocked out of his hand and he's in hand to hand combat with Thresh. I quickly pull the first knife I touch out of my jacket and try to decide where to stab Thresh.

I hear a cannon. Fire Girl's dead.

I think, I don't want this to be fatal. After all, Cato gave me Katniss. It's only fair to give him Thresh. I need a harmful, distraction cut.

I end up sneaking behind Thresh and stabbing my knife through his cheek. He howls in pain and his hands run to pull out the dagger lodged in his face.

That's all the time Cato needs. He was able to grab his sword and jam it through Thresh's heart. I then pick up our pack and return to Cato.

Thresh's cannon fires. Cato and I exchange a grin. Our expressions don't show happiness. We are both unsure about how we feel.

Alternative Ending/ I want my innocence backWhere stories live. Discover now