Chapter 4: Forfeiture

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Chapter 4: Forfeiture


I pulled Clove into a hug. My heart was pounding fretfully. We headed back to the Cornucopia.

We saw the hovercraft take Kassidy's corpse away. Clove crossed her arms across her chest.

"Why hasn't someone come to get us?" she questioned bitterly.

I wrapped my arm around Clove. I thought about what I told her about the 5th games. How they changed the rules back.

I clenched my jaw and watched the sky anxiously.

"Tributes, the former rule change allowing two victors to be crowned has been... rescinded. Only one victor may be crowned."

My world stopped. My heart stopped. My soul burned into ashes.


I tried to breath, but my throat was swollen shut. I just stood beside Cato. Both of us frozen. Unknowing what to do.

I was grabbed. Cato's arms wrapped around me and his lips pressed against mine.

I tangled my fingers in his blond hair. This will be the last time I'd kiss him, it had to last.

Tears fell down my cheeks. My heart was breaking. Then, one of Cato's arms left me. I heard the sound of his sword leave his belt.

I knew what was happening. I felt my body relax. I'm ready Cato. Kill me know. I'm ready.

But instead of feeling the life flow from my body, a cold puff of air escapes Cato's lips. He goes limp and falls to the ground.

"Cato! No! God please no!" I cried out as I see what Cato has done to himself. Cato had sliced his own stomach open. I tore at my hair in a fit of panic, pulling it free from it's braid. I kneel beside him and take his hand. The tears of absolute heartbreak role down my cheeks.

"Clove" Cato spoke through laboured breathing. "The day I first met you. I knew I was prepared to give my life for you." Cato panted. He was using all of his energy to get this message to me. "I promised you we'd win these games together or not at all." Cato look deep, hard breaths. It was like the oxygen got stuck half way to his lunges. "Turns out, we can't win together, so...." Cato's voice trailed off. Getting oxygen to his lunges was as useless as trying to fill a balloon that has a hole in it. Tears stung my cheeks. "I love you Clove." Cato whispered, tears forming in his almost lifeless eyes.

Cato's eyelids fluttered for a moment, then froze. His clear blue eyes turned cloudy. His life was being drained from his body along with all his blood. I heard the excruciatingly heartbreaking sound of Cato's cannon.

"I love you too," I choked out.

I collapsed into a depressed heap next to Cato. The tears came automatically, threatening to drown me.

I then crawled away from Cato, staring into his lifeless eyes. I was in full blown panic mode, unable to process what has happened. I felt like a child at their parents' funeral.

I got to my feet and ran into the woods.

Alternative Ending/ I want my innocence backWhere stories live. Discover now