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I hid out for a few days. Then, the Capitol was pretty much fed up with me. All I remember is a sharp pain run through my veins. After that, my world started spinning. Then, everything went black. Next thing I know, I'm strapped down to a hospital bed. I want so badly to die. Every breath I take is a harsh reminder that Cato will never breath again.

I can't cause myself physical harm, what with the restraints and all.

I refused to eat and drink, hoping to kill myself that way. But they pumped vitamins through my veins.

I didn't sleep, hoping I'd eventually die. They just drugged me up and knocked me out.

Whenever I tried to bite myself as a resort of attempted suicide, they'd knock me out.

I tried to kill myself by not breathing. I found out that was impossible. You can knock yourself out, but then your lungs will automatically start working again.

When I tried to yell or sing outrageously loud or shout out threats or sing murderous songs or curse up a storm, they'd knock me out.

I didn't see why they wanted me alive so badly. Every moment I spent alive was another piece of my heart shattering....

Am I part of some experiment? Do they want to know how long a girl will last before she literally dies of a broken heart?

I just want to be dead. It's not even suicide anymore. It would be freedom. I need to see Cato again.

I'm alive but I'm not living.

At this point it would be mercy to kill me. It's like when I hunt. I don't skim the animal, making so they will bleed out. I kill them at once, instantly. it's the merciful thing to do. But right now, I've already bled out. I'm just not dead. And that is the worst feeling ever.

Alternative Ending/ I want my innocence backWhere stories live. Discover now