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"Put me down!" I shrieked, my brown hair now messily in my face.

His strong arms lifted me up again and I laughed, "make me!" He winked.

His teasing stopped when I took a hold of his hair and tugged at it as he lowered his arms, allowing my feet to once more touch the ground. His hands cupped my face and brought me in closer for a kiss. His soft, warm, welcoming lips left a trail of kisses leading down to my neck. His hot breath tickling causing me to giggle. "I love you," he whispered before taking my lip in between his teeth. I let out a soft gasp and kissed him back. I pulled away ending the kiss and looking down at my watch. "I have to go.." I sighed.

"Why so early?" He asked playing with my gold locket dangling from my neck.

"I have to study for finals tomorrow. Sorry, we're not all in world wide known band." I teased as well.

"Damn." He kissed my hand bringing it around his neck, "just give me one last kiss babe," he continued.

I smiled at how flirty he had been behaving the entire night, bringing in my face closer to his once more. His lips moved in sync with mine as his tongue lined my bottom lip. "Goodbye Harold!" I smirked as I climbed the stairs leading to my apartment. The darkness was taking over, and the sun was beginning to set. The dim lights, leading me down the hallway to my apartment. I turned the knob slowly and no light shone from any of the rooms, I flicked the switch on and books were scattered all over the coffee table. I brought myself to pick them up and promised myself I would scold Lilian when she returned from whatever party she had gone to this time. I pulled out my European history textbooks and notes, and began to prepare myself for tomorrow morning.


It had been one year.

One year since he broke it off. The love of my life was torn away from me, leaving me in shreds. Incomplete.

Because of her.

At first, he was forced to be with her due to publicity for their new album and upcoming tour, but he ended up being content with that and going along with this "stunt" relationship. Leaving me looking like a fool, pathetic really. I had fallen so deeply in love with him, that I never realized perhaps he never really felt the same.

At the start, he would stop by ever so often to visit. Always repeating the same old story, "we will be together again someday."

Then those visits soon become rare, until he didn't even bother showing up anymore. He ignored my texts, calls, and emails. One evening, I received a text message saying: "I don't know how to say this.. But I think we're through. Xx" I clearly remember being in a denial state, thinking he was joking around, but soon Social media websites pouring away with this hot new couple shit. His dimpled smile wide as his eyes admired her, the way he had once looked at me. It tore me to pieces, yet there was nothing I could do about it. I spent nights sobbing, until one day there were no more tears to cry. I tried hard to move on, went on many dates but I would always find myself wishing he would be sitting on the chair across from me rather than the young man. I lost count of the many men I kissed at parties, hoping the taste his lips left behind would banish. I neglected food to my body, and shut myself out from everybody. Lilian became so concerned about me, she took me for many visits to the doctor.

"Over a breakup?" The doctor would inquire, almost laughing. Making me feel even more pathetic than I already felt.

He had put me on medication, and had me meet with therapists as well, but that didn't help either. Harry had ruined me, he took all my happiness with him, leaving me with emotions I had never been exposed to. Depression. Grief. Sorrow. Loneliness. He left me broken, unable to be fixed.

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