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Valerie's POV:

My phone rung continuously on my night stand. I was irritated at the fact it was midnight, and whoever was calling would not allow me to get some rest. I slipped it from the table and turned down the sound, not bothering to even check who was calling.

The damn device continued vibrating and I picked it up once more, Lilian's face appeared on the screen, as I swiped to answer.

"Lilian. Really? It's midnight." I stammered.

"Valerie! We have to talk. I've been trying to call you for two hours!" Her voice was shaky, flooding my head with confusion. I was now fully awake, and sat at the edge of my bed. My pajama shorts, were in no way keeping me warm. I was startled by a knock at the door.

"Hold on, someone's at the door." I opened my bedroom door and walked uneasily down the stairway, I was convinced it was Ethan. Was he just barely returning from that party?

I opened the door allowing the street lights to take over the darkness. I looked up expecting to see my younger brother's large frame, but I was nearly knocked over when another body stood in front of me. My cell phone slipped from my fingers and hit the wooden floor hard. My pulse quickened and my eyes widened. I gasped and his raspy voice intoxicated my senses.


"Harry?" I choked. The past year flashed in front of my eyes, I remembered every tear I shred because of this man that stood before me. My hands were shaking and I did not know if it was from the chilly breeze coming from inside, or because of the man who I had been so desperate to have back in my arms stood feet away from me.

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled, my eyes were watery and about to spill tears, yet I didn't want to allow him to see me at my weakest state. I would not give him that, not after I'd given him my all.

"Valerie, I love you so much." He threw his arms around me, and before I realized I was sobbing into his arms. His familiar soapy scent filled my nostrils. His shoulders shook softly, and his full lips allowed a small sob to escape.

For minutes, we stood sobbing into each other's arms. The heart wrenching pain I had felt for so long was gone, and was replaced by a joyous feeling. This was all I needed. I felt complete. My love for him was like sunshine, slowly warming my soul until it burned to a crisp. My love for him was like moonlight, usually hidden, but on the right night it showered in a full glow.

I was thinking a million things, but out of my mouth, not one was spoken. His strong arms were still wrapped around my waist, and his mouth was on mine. At this point, my body longed to be united with his. They had been kept apart for so long, they craved each other's company. The familiar taste of his lips savored my mouth, and his minty scent was indulging my senses. I gasped for breath, his mouth left my lips and trailed down to my neck. I pulled away, realizing the stupidity behind this. He had left me shattered in pieces and had not even bothered to have a decent break up, and a year later he wanted to return back in my life.

"You have to go. I don't know what you want from me, but I'm sure I can't give you anything anymore." I sighed.

It was true, he had left me empty. Nobody had hurt me so deeply.

His arms were still tightly securing my body. I could feel an electric connection between us, that sparked more with every second that passed.

"I've missed you so much. Please let me explain everything to you babe," His lips curled into a weak smile.

"Harry, I can't do this. There's nothing to explain. Does Keira know you're here?" I removed his arms from around me, and he didn't fight me about it.

"Nobody knows I'm here. And they can't find out." He muttered.

"Why not?"

"Valerie, please let me explain." I wanted to shove him out of my parents' home, and slam the door in his face, pushing him out of my life once more. Yet, I couldn't do it. I couldn't bring myself to do it, because his presence was slowly healing the scars in my heart.

"--It was all management. They forced me to start dating Keira, remember that?" He argued.

"Yes, I know that."

"They forced me to continue that relationship, and break up with you." His eyes were barely distinguishable in the dark. The only light, was the moonlight shining through the large family room window. His eyes welled with tears, and I could see hurt behind them. I gritted my teeth at the nonsense he was speaking. Sure management could have done that, they had a lot of control over his life, but he could have fought for me.

But he didn't.

"You don't know what you're saying Harry." I shook my head, "it's late, please just leave."

He bit his lip and furrowed his brows, "I don't have anywhere to stay for the night. I don't even have a car to go to a hotel at this time.." He shrugged. I took a glance outside and noticed no unfamiliar car.

My eyes met his but I didn't say a word. Minutes of silence passed and he rocked on his heels, finally breaking the silence. "I'll go," He whispered, barely audible enough for me to hear.

His large hand turned the knob and his large shadow moved across the wooden floor. I mentally scolded myself for what I was about to do, because I knew it would bring many more unnecessary problems. "Stay Harry.... Stay for the night."

(Hey guys! Did this last sentence remind you of anything? I was listening to Change My Mind while writing this and it went perfect with the situation! Well I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Have so much planned, so keep reading! Ily all and thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!)

Xo lirrybabies

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