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Valerie's POV:

I woke up pressed against Harry's warm sleeping body. His chest rose and fell at a constant rhythm and it mesmerized me. His cheeks were flushed even in his sleep, and his pink lips were lighter in the morning. The streaks of sun light, crept its way through the thin curtains. I stretched my body and looked over to the sleeping boy next to me. At this point he was slowly opening his eyes, and gave me a cheeky grin.

"Morning," he mumbled in a sexy raspy morning voice.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, cuddling my body deeper against the blankets and his warm chest.

He chuckled, "Extraordinary."

I rested my hand on his toned stomach and remained silent, thinking back to the previous night. The memory wasn't cloudy like the rest of the night, and I could remember every detail of it. I was semi thankful for Louis and Zayn for inviting me for a smoke with them, or else there could have been a major chance the intimate moments with Harry would not have happened.

Harry's large hands tangled with the necklace around my neck, almost forgotten I'd even worn it.

"Didn't think you would wear it," he confessed and pulled the duvet further down my chest.

"Why wouldn't I?"

He shrugged and I stood up, I felt a bit disgusting and knew I would have a light hang over throughout the day. The sudden coldness made me shudder and I tried my best to cover myself from his gaze.

"Would you mind if I shower?" I gathered my clothing that was scattered on the floor.

"Not at all," he grabbed his phone and checked the time.

I closed the door behind me and my eyes widened at my appearance. My hair was a tangled mess and my makeup was a bit smeared. I gasped at the small love bites covering my breasts and neck.

"Oh my god," I mouthed, thankful my dress would cover the marks.

I turned on the cold water and scrubbed shampoo and conditioner on my hair. The scent was not the usual lavender vanilla I normally bathed in. I shut the water off and wrapped a towel around me, just my luck it didn't cover even half of my bum. I picked up my dress and realized I had forgotten to grab my panties and bra, forcing me to awkwardly open the door and pace out of the room in search of them. I tugged the towel hard so it would cover my bum, however as soon as I pulled my boobs were near full view.

"Harry? Have you seen my undergarment?" He was still not dressed and the thin white sheets only covered a part of his long legs. He bent over and retrieved something from the floor and tossed it in the air. I scurried away back to the bathroom before his voice stopped me.

"Why the need to dress in the restroom? I've already seen every inch of you, love." he smirked and I laughed. I pulled my panties up my legs, careful enough so the towel would not fall off my body, followed by my bra. I struggled a bit clasping it and his large hands fumbling before helping clasping it.

"Sorry, I have experience removing them but not putting them back on." He chuckled and I let out a short sigh. His words had suddenly upset me, making me think about how many girls he could have been with besides me. He noticed my frown and lifted my chin so our eyes locked.

"The only girl who I've undressed is you, so don't give me that pout." He mocked and brought my lips to his.

He joined our bodies together and he rested his hands on my hips. He kissed gently and delicately. I pulled away and he fussed, knowing I had to leave this hotel room soon, before his busy day started. I slid the dress from last night up my body and slid my feet in the heels. I borrowed a comb Harry had set on the nightstand beside the bed to brush the knotted mess of brown waves. I waited patiently for him to get out of the shower, clicking my heels together in a childish manner. Water droplets fell from his wet brown locks and his boxers hung low on his hips. His entire body was still covered in moisture and I bit my lip, attempting not to steal another glance at his perfection. His phone buzzed on the nightstand and he held it against his ear. A couple "okay" and "sure" were his only reply, I suspected who the caller was without even having to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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