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Harry turned his head and gave me a slight glance before staring at the floor, "Are you sure? I don't want you feeling uncomfortable..."

"It's fine." I put in.

He shut the door behind him and ambled towards the couch. I turned quickly and walked up the stairs, opening a closet full of blankets and taking one from a large pile. I jogged down the stairs once more and realized his long legs were already sprawled on the couch. A smile tugged my lips, it was just like Harry to do that. I unfolded the blanket and covered his body with it. He watched me without speaking, and gave me a wide grin afterwards.

"Valerie-" he croaked, his tone was sleepy and exhausted.


"I love you. I know you don't believe me, but you came into my life and now I plan to make you stay. Even if it takes every last breath of mine," he concluded as his raspy voice faded into silence.

I didn't move.

I couldn't. I wanted to snuggle up right beside him and whisper everything I felt into his ear. I wanted to embrace his presence since I knew tomorrow he could be gone. It took every bit of strength to pull myself up the stairs and shut my bedroom door behind me. What would my parents think if they woke up and saw him in their living room? The tears slid rapidly down my cheeks. And I wrapped my arms around my legs, the frigid floor caused goosebumps to rise all over my skin.

One boy, a thousand feelings.

"Harry, sing to me." I smiled, glancing up to meet his eyes.

"What do you want me to sing?" He giggled, a loose curl fell just below his ear.


"Hmm... Alright," he scoot me closer towards his chest. The blanket that laid underneath us was no help to the chilly wind, so he pulled it just enough so it was covering my frame.

"I find your lips so kissable

And your kiss unmissable--" he began, the soft melody of his voice drove me insane.

"Your fingertips so touchable," he laced his hand with mine and gave it a swift kiss. "And your eyes irresistible," he continued. Smiling, denting a deep dimple on his cheek. He mesmerized me without even trying. This was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, this was the man I needed, this was the man I loved. The stars watched us, as with every second our love grew stronger.

I sighed remembering our most tender moments. He caused me pain, but he brought me joy. There was something about him, that would just not allow me to give up.


I woke up by voices chattering from downstairs, I pulled myself up from the floor and my eyes widened as I remembered last night's events.

"Shit!" I yelled slipping on pajama pants and running downstairs. Harry wasn't on the couch any longer. My brother sat in the dining room across from my father who was reading the daily newspaper, and my mother cooked in the kitchen. A wave of disappointment slapped me in the face, and the knot in my throat nearly choked me.

"He didn't even say goodbye," I whispered, disappointed. Or what if he never came by, what if it was just another of my hallucinations? I shook my head and ran back upstairs, I took my phone off my nightstand and realized I had a missed text message with no name displayed.

"Come outside... Xx"


Of course. I chewed on my lip, and took a look in the mirror hoping I didn't look as shitty as I felt.

I pulled on a thin hoodie and scurried to the bathroom to clean my face and brush my teeth. I walked out on to the house porch, Harry's long body sat on the steps playing with a piece of wooden material. He tossed it into the air and watched as it flew a couple inches away from him. I crossed my arms and waited for him to notice my presence, then realizing as concentrated as he was, he never would. I took a couple steps closer and the boards beneath my feet creaked, his attention turning in my direction.

"Hey..." He whispered, with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Um, Hey." I sighed in response.

"Didn't want your mum to get angry with me for sleeping in her home, so I came out here..." He explained.

"Oh, well okay," I mumbled.

"Come closer." He directed the area next to him.

I nodded and he shrugged.

"It's been so long..." He gazed off into the street.

"I know," this conversation was really not going anywhere and the awkwardness level increased by the second.

"How did you do it, Harry? I mean, how was it so easy for you to leave without a word?" I flinched at my own words, my brain did not catch up soon enough with my mouth.

He turned his head and pushed himself up, so he was standing in front of me, "It wasn't."

My pulse was out of control. "Seemed like it." My eyes met his and his jaw tensed.

"Listen Valerie, I'm sure you went through hell but--"

"I didn't."

What did I just say?

Maybe this would make him think I wasn't so weak... Although, it was the biggest lie that had ever left my mouth.

"You didn't?" His fists took a hold of my shoulders. And pinned me against the door.

His emerald eyes looked deep into mine.

"No." I nodded, trying so hard not to have a break down at this moment.

"Alright, tell me one thing" his jaw was still tense and I flinched, "Tell me you never loved me. Tell me you don't, tell me you never want to see me again."

I couldn't do that.

My pulse increased and the distance between us was decreasing as he pinned me against the door. The rise of our chests moving rapidly and his eyes were piercing into mine. I shook my head and looked down at the floor, unable to make any eye contact with him.

"I can't, I can't do that." I sighed in defeat.

His shoulders relaxed and he removed his wrists from mine, I could have even sworn a slight smile tugged at his lips. The distance between us increased as he paced a few steps away from me.

"Harry..." I mumbled.

He turned his head and came closer to my body. His hands slid onto side my shoulders and I tilted my head to meet his olive eyes. Those olive eyes and raspberry lips. Those olive eyes and raspberry lips who caused me so much pain yet brought me the happiness no one else could offer me.

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