the love story of a troll

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I landed on the trolls' media at 5 pm where Karkat told me to meet him in the troll bush. Its early like 1 hour early so he might not be here yet.

"STRIDER, YOU LITTLE *sighs* hi" Karkat yells as he runs to me "you are way too early"


"I know, you said John was supposed to be here"

"Yeah, he is, he's setting up his tent go bother him for a while, while I set up our tent for the night"

"So, I should go bother John but what should I say to him "


I walked over to John whose camp site is set up near us in another cleared area a short distance away, he was singing 'I will always love you' by Whitney Houston

his singing is dreadful like its worse than Jacob Sartorius and no just no I'm not going there. His bright blue tent with wind designs on the front, was designed to fit John, Karkat, Tavros, Gamzee and I (to add Tavros and Gamzee have 1 meter horns)

"who said I was coming here to see you"



"Karkat I need to talk to you alone" John said as he was walking to us

"what! I don't want to move "

"Just get up and come with me"

"UUUUUGGGGGHHHH" karkat says in agony

As they walk away I stared at Karkat's butt but then I look back at the fire, when I heard Karkat walk closer to me I turned around and looked at john he didn't seem happy it looked like he wanted to kill someone, I asked Karkat what was going on and he said not to worry so after like an hour or so karkat went to bed


"I told you not to call me that anyway night butt head"

"don't be rude Karkat" I say to Karkat before he heads of to bed

With karkat in bed I stay up looking at the stars which look so beautiful there are so many more than what I would see on the earth media, after a couple of hours Karkat got up because he needed to go to the toilet which was 25 meters away.

"Dave, can you please come with me to the toilet it's so scary out there in the dark"

"sure, you little scaredy cat"

As we headed up to the small dark wooden building in the woods which is the toilet I felt Karkat grip on to my arm tightly as we walked up a small hill, we walked on dead leaves and branches which crunched under our feet as walked, when we got there karkat goes into the toilet and does his thing while I stood out the front waiting for him, its pitch black and I gave the torch that we had to Karkat so he could see what he's doing it was pitch black in there so it's understandable, after little while he came out of the toilet and clung back on to my arm, as we started walking back to the tent Karkat was attack by someone who had leaped out from the trees and threatened to kill Karkat I recognised the voice, I turned around as fast as I could it was John he had a knife held to Karkat's throat and I knew if I were to try save Karkat, John would kill him.

"John why, why would you do this were all friends tell me"

"because Karkat loves you I don't want to lose you"

"why don't you want to lose me we're friends please john don't kill him I'll still be your friend no matter what"

"don't you see I love you that's why and I don't want no one to love you but me"

"I love Karkat don't you ever see that I try to get close to him but it never seems works that's why I come to you when I'm sad because I think of you as a best friend and I know you can stand by me please John don't kill him"

I started to cry John sees me and let's go of Karkat and drops the knife then falls to the ground trembling and starts crying, Karkat runs to me and hugs me

"do you really love me"

"yes, I do and I will always love you"

I hug Karkat back and after a couple of seconds I stop hugging him and walk over to John who is on his knees sobbing

"John, I love you as a friend not a lover please understand come with me and Karkat back to our tent and let's talk about this"

"no why should I, I tried to kill someone you love I betrayed you, why would you want to stay friends with me you don't deserve this"

"John, you might of tried to kill me but your my best friend to so come on get the hell up and come with us"

We help John get up and we walk back down to our tent where we have a long talk about what just happened, when John had calmed down he want back to his tent leaving Karkat and I together. Then we gave each other a kiss and I touch his horns he got really mad I love seeing him mad, then we went to bed. We were happy from then on

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