Week 13 part 3

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As they approached the school gates Yandere-chan became tense. All of her classmates were already there. They're going to stare at me. They're going to stare at us. What'll they do once they realize that we're together? Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm going to pass out. Is this what fear feels like? I don't like it. Yandere chan's thoughts kept buzzing through her head. As if sensing her distress, Taro kun squeezed her hand, causing her to look at him. He gave her a reassuring smile, "It's going to be alright," he whispered. Yandere chan nodded as she felt herself relax. She made herself focus on the warmth and sense of security that Taro kun's hand brought, ignoring the curious looks of her classmates. One of the boys, one of Taro kun's friends, was the first to approach.
"'Morning Taro! Whatcha doing with Yan chan?" he asked. Yandere chan's face went from annoyed to flustered as Taro kun wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
"Ayano chan and I walked to school together," Taro kun corrected, "Is it wrong of me to want to walk to school with my girlfriend?" Most of the students gasped and murmured between each other while others just stood shocked at what was announced. "And if anyone has anything to say about it or about Ayano chan, they're going to have to go to me," he added, eyes narrowing to further prove his point. Before anyone else could say anything, Taro kun walked inside the building, not once removing his arm from around Yandere chan's waist.
"Y-you didn't have to do that, Taro kun," Yandere chan said softly, both intimidated and in awe of her boyfriend's protective side. Taro kun turned and wrapped his other arm around her in a loving, yet firm, embrace.
"Yes, I did," he said, "You're my girlfriend; what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let everyone try to beat you down?"
"I'm used to it," she said, wrapping her arms around his torso.
"But you shouldn't be used to it," he said, a frown forming on his face, " I've wanted to try and help you in the past, but I was too scared to then, scared of being teased, scared of what others would think if I did, and a little scared that the rumors might have actually been true; but, that day when you saved Yuki from being hit by that truck, I knew that they weren't. I wanted to get to know the real you; I'm glad I did. Don't think that you have to deal with whatever they throw at you, because you don't. I won't let you."
Yandere chan felt her heart flutter at his kind words, she closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. The moment was ruined once the bell rang. The couple frowned, knowing they had to go to class. Taro kun smiled at her, "See you at lunch?"
"Yeah," Yandere chan replied. The two then parted for their classrooms.
I am so sorry! I haven't uploaded since November! Things have been hectic, I feel as though I have so much work to get done! But hey, at least there's a new chapter out, but in order to make up for it, here's a picture of a super cute, super happy, Yandere chan!!!!!

 --------------------—/—---------———————-----I am so sorry! I haven't uploaded since November! Things have been hectic, I feel as though I have so much work to get done! But hey, at least there's a new chapter out, but in order to make up for it, ...

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Oh my gosh I feel so bad for putting off this chapter for so long. I hope I didn't upset anyone because of it. I'm trying people I'm trying! I'll try to have the next chapter out a little sooner!

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