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As Ayano launched herself towards Osana, Osana quickly dodged her and pulled out her own knife. It gleamed in the dim light seeping through the dust covered windows. Insanity burned within Osana's amber orbs, the flames of rage unstable and wild. Her pupils were narrowed and a twisted smile stretched across her face.

Ayano knew that she was similar, her dull gray eyes burned with determination rage, and insanity, although hers was more controlled. Her eyebrows furrowed in anger and the corners of her lips pulled back in a firm frown, eyes observing her opponent's knife. Hmmm. . . Ayano thought, it's larger than my own, looks pretty sharp. But it's heavier, it's going to slow her down. Rookie mistake. Her lips pulled back into a smirk.

Osana charged towards her, screaming out with unbridled fury, swinging her weapon towards her enemy. However, Ayano expected it; once Osana was within arm's reach she stepped to her left and grasped the arm brandishing the weapon and threw the orange-haired girl into an old crate, which broke on impact.

Osana pushed herself out of the rubble, and charged at Ayano again, their knives collided and they pushed, each trying to overpower the other. Their hands shook from the force exerted, both seemed to be waiting for the other to move. After what felt like hours, Ayano quickly pushed Osana away, and charged at her . Osana slashed at her, but Ayano dodged, landing a blow on Osana's arm, slicing through the fabric of her school uniform, blood blossomed from the cut, staining the torn top. Osana growled in response to the injury, and rushed at Ayano, she slashed at her, but the dark-haired girl was able to move out of the way, only leaving her top torn.

Meanwhile, Yuki sat on the floor trembling in fear, fear for her own life, fear for her father, fear for the woman who she began to see as a mother. She pushed herself up and ran behind one of the columns, grabbing a thick but light piece of wood from where the crate stood, she peered out from behind a corner, she watched as Ayano fought bravely against her enemy. She looked towards her father, who was struggling to free himself from the restraints. Trying to help free her father would, draw attention too easily. She wanted to find a way to help, but she wasn't sure how.

Ayano was becoming tired of this 'game' sweat dripped from her brow and mixed with blood, hers or Osana's, she could no longer tell at this point. She watched, taking notice that the orange-haired girl was more out of breath than she was. She took this opportunity and charged at her. With fast reflexes Ayano tightly wrapped her arm around Osana's waist, pinning her against her body, and holding her knife against her neck.

Osana's eyes widened, the insanity was quickly replaced by fear. "Don't kill me! Let me go, don't kill me please!!! I'll do whatever you want, just say the word and I'll do it, just don't kill me," she begged, tears seeming to bud at the corner of her amber orbs. Ayano pressed her knife a little harder, about to deal the finishing blow, but she hesitated, her firm cold gaze softened as she thought about what Yuki and Taro would think if she saw her kill somebody. With a firm frown on her face, she stood up, pulling Osana up with her. Ayano turned her around and pulled her close enough so she could see the anger boiling in her eyes as she let out a single growl.

"Never come back."

Ayano threw her to the floor, and watched as Osana scrambled to grab her knife, and run around the corner towards the exit. Ayano spat blood in the direction her rival left, and ran to Taro. She started cutting at the thick rope that was used to bid him, looking up at him with worried eyes, silently asking if he was alright. He nodded, his eyes were filled with relief, but it was short lived. They quickly filled with fear. Before Ayano could ask what was wrong, she felt a body pin her to the ground and a knife start stabbing her multiple times in the back. Osana's deranged laughter echoed through the room along with Taro's screams. Suddenly a loud thwack was heard among Ayano's quickly blurring thoughts as she felt the stabbing stop and the weight fall off of her. She heard multiple footsteps enter the room along with the sirens of police cars and ambulances as she lost consciousness.
—-——————————/——/———Author enters—————————————/—————
*Glances over at the number of reads* What?!? 2K reads ? Omg guys, thank you so much. Noticing this made me feel bad and I felt like I had to make up for it by FINALLY posting this chapter. It amazes me that this little story earned this many views over the few years since I posted it. I plan on continuing this story although with classes and everything I'm not sure when the next chapter will be, and I might add in rewrite chapters after it's completed, just to clean things up. Again, thank you guys sooo much for sticking with me and I hope to see everyone in the next chapter!!!!

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