Chapter 8

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The next morning, I wake up at around about 9 in the morning and get ready

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The next morning, I wake up at around about 9 in the morning and get ready. I decide to head to the precinct since I have nothing better to do and I haven't seen any of them since the whole incident with the stalker. We caught him by the way, turns out he was someone involved with a case my dad did a few months back and was a suspect they had been looking for. 

I put Busters lead on and set him in the car, before driving into the city and pulling up outside. I walk in and say hello to Sergeant Velasquez as she buzzed me up. The unit my dad works for is a small and private unit, secluded from the rest of the precinct and only people who are buzzed up and have hand prints and passwords can get up. I walk up the 2 flights of stairs before finally making it to the office area. 

"Look who it is! Yo, Jon your daughters here!" Detective James Houghton announces when he sees me. "Ah, this must be Buster!" He calls and I let Buster go and he immediately runs to Houghton who starts playing with him. Detectives Henderson, Ramirez, Russo, Combs and Gallagher all come out, soon followed by my dad and Sergeant Walker. 

"So, I hear you got suspended for kicking some cheerleaders arse. Good on ya kid." Combs comments and I laugh. 

"Velasquez let you up?" Dad questions and I nod.

"Just thought I'd drop in and say hi." I begin. "Big case?" I ask, looking around and see loads of pictures and writing on the white board. 

"Yeah, 3 girls have gone missing. Maybe you know them, they're around about your age?" Walker suggest and I look at the pictures and nod.

"Yeah, I know them. They go to Lincoln High School, it's about 30 minutes away from my school. I know Sidney better than the other two though, I've seen her at school games and stuff, from what I heard last, she was hooking up with some college freshman." I say, not thinking anything of it, assuming they already knew, however their surprised looks tells me this is new information.

"Do you know the name of this college freshman?" Ramirez asks. 

"No, but I do know what he looks like. I'll get her Facebook up and look through her friends." I take out my phone and go onto her profile, scrolling through till I find him. "Quentin Meyer." I confirm.

"Thanks Channing, you're the best!" My dad exclaims and he and the others grab their jackets and leave. 

"Your welcome." I say, before shrugging and grabbing Buster, before taking him back to the house and letting him in the garden. I walk into the kitchen and start making some food, when I see a car pull up and I immediately notice, it's Chase, Morgan and Derek, I pull a face before opening the door as the approach. "Hey what's up?" 

"We just wanted to check in, we didn't hear from you this morning." Morgan comments. 

"Yeah, I'm good, I was at the precinct with my dad." I reply, stepping aside, letting them all in and we walk into the kitchen as I resume cooking.

"So, Archer looked pretty pissed after he spoke to you yesterday. Said, you made comments about Nash?" Chase asks.

"I said, Nash should've been the one to pull Laurel off Izzy and he needed to make up his mind on what was more important, being with Izzy or his reputation. It's not my fault, guys like them can't handle the truth and if that makes me a bitch, tough, everyone knew I was one to begin with." I retort.

"Izzy got out pretty lucky, she's got a black eye and a busted lip, but it's nothing compared to what you did to Laurel. Broke her nose and split her eyebrow open." Derek laughs.

"Yeah and she knows if she goes near Izzy again, it'll be worse." I respond.

"You know, I think Izzy would like to hear from you. She thinks your pissed at her." Morgan says.

"I'm not pissed at her. But yesterday went from bad to worse and I just want a day to myself to cool off, but let her know I'll call her later." I say and they nod, before hugging me and leaving. I finish my food finally and carry it up to my room, where I lay down with Buster and watch TV.


It's now about 9:30 pm and my dad still isn't home yet, so I decide to call Izzy.

"Channing, hey! I thought you were angry with me!" Izzy exclaims down the phone.

"I'm not mad at you Izzy, you're not at fault." I assure her. "I just had a really bad day yesterday and kinda needed time to cool off." 

"Yeah, the guys told me about the whole court thing. So have they come to an agreement yet?" She asks.

"My dad keeps me, that's the only definite answer. As for what else comes from the divorce, they're still deciding." I say and I can feel her nod over the phone. 

"When will you be back in school?" She asks.

"Not for another 2 days. Have the bitches been giving you anymore problems?" I ask.

"No. You really did a number on them...I know what you said to Archer and he and Nash aren't too happy." She says sadly.

"No offence, Izzy, but Nash is your problem not mine, I could care less whether I hurt his little feelings. He was standing there, watching those girls attack you, he should've been the first one to jump on and rip them off and you know it." I respond.

"I know. He treats me so good though." She sighs.

"Not denying that, maybe he does. I just think, he started the mess he should've intervened." I say.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"You do know, before he got with you he had slept with one of them on and off for like 2 years. That's probably why they attacked you." I say honestly.

"I didn't know that. You know how I like to avoid drama."  She says and I nod. 

"Yeah. Well listen, I've had a long day, so I'm gonna head to bed, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I say.

"Sure. See ya later." She responds.

"Later." I say before hanging up.

*Wow! I'm so glad you guys are liking this story! I'm loving all your comments by the way. You guys are awesome. Sorry this chapter has taken so long, College is hectic. Hopefully in a matter of weeks, I'll have a whole two months to continue and create new content for you all. THANK YOU SO MUCH! ~ Mackenzie*

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