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Margaret (Mae) Borowski - The protagonist of Night in the Woods, better known as Mae, is a short 20-year-old, midnight blue cat with dyed red hair. She has wide red eyes that she refers to as 'Nightmare Eyes' and a notched right ear as the result of a dog attack. Mae wears a brown shirt with a slashed zero in the centre and a red long-sleeved shirt underneath, along with grey jeans and dark green boots. She has a 'sturdy' build as said by her grandfather who she was close with before his passing. She is a talented bass player, being made to play it for the band, despite not knowing the new songs. She's also a softball player, but it seems she didn't play much after she had an episode where she attacked another player when her mental state began to decline. Mae is also bisexual, saying in game that she isn't picky.
Mae travels back to her small home town of Possum Springs after she drops out of college, which she had attended for three semesters and not made any friends. Mae suffers from spouts of anger, depression and is not particularly well liked in her community due to a troubling incident when she was younger. Her parents spent a lot of money and time trying to find ways to help treat this problem and send her to college, Mae is currently receiving help from Doctor Hank who has her write journal entries. She claims this keeps her grounded.
A/N I honestly love Mae sooooooo much!!! Hopefully you will too!!!

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