Gregg and Mae Part 2

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"Gregg where are we...?" I asked as I looked around the old building Gregg dragged me to. "Um...I'm not sure..." He says then laughs awkwardly. "GREGG!" I yell. "I'm joking." He said and then I punched him in the chest, and he snickered. "So then WHERE are we?" I repeated, "a abandoned hotel" he said looking in the direction of the old metal building. "Ok new question....WHY are we here?" I ask but he just starts to walk in the direction of the hotel, "you'll see." He said and I could feel his smirk. I rolled my eyes and jogged to catch up with him.
Gregg coughed as the dust flew up from the lobby couch when he sat on it. "Geez, why don't they clean this place up?!?!?" He complained, "Gregg?" I say. "Yeah?", "its abandoned, there is no one TO clean it up." I smirked, and he thought about it and he nodded, "true.". "So why are we here?" I asked again, "well you see um...I wanted to talk to you alone, and I didn't want to ask you in public, because I feel like if I did you wouldn't come. So I asked to go do some crimes to get you here and um uh-" he started stuttering so I hugged him, "hey, hey Gregg, its ok if you ever want to talk I'm here..." I say as he nodded. "Thanks Mae..." I smiled "so what did you wanna talk about?" I asked. He looked down and sighed, "its Angus, he has been hanging out with this guy named Stephan, and Stephan told me that he liked Angus, and he is so much cooler and better then me and I I I..." He started stuttering once again, "Gregg, buddy, its ok breathe." I said rubbing his back, he took a deep breath in then out. "Ok. Ok I'm good." He said. "So you think this Stephan guy is better then you?" I asked and he nodded, "ok well lemme shut that down right now. Gregg you are the most amazing, most funniest, most adorablest, most fantastic person in the entire world, and Angus knows that, so do I. So this Stephan guy is a raindrop compared to your thunderstorm." I say as he watches my every movement, "is adorablest even a word?" He asks, "yes. Its a noun, its right next to your name in the dictionary." I say and we both laugh. "Mae?" He asked, "hmm?" I replied. "Why are you so amazing?" I smile, "because I'm Mae Borowski!" I yell and we both burst out laughing once again, "I love you Mae" he said and pulled me into a big hug. "I love you to Greggory." And with that we explored the rest of the building and just goofed off and broke stuff.
A/N welp sry for not doing actual crimes!!! But pls comment ships or other things u want next like characters/ships/activities or whatever else!!!!

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