The Note

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A.N. I just want to thank everyone's for reading this story and I hope that you're enjoying it. Please tell me how you feel in the comments and any changes or additions i should add. Thank you guys for the support and I'll try my best to update frequently. I like to write a lot at once so I apologize if I don't change something quickly, but I will get to it eventually. Thank you all and enjoy the book. 📘


We were on our way back from the Summer Games and I ended up alone in the back of one of the vans with a huge pile of equipment  beside  me so I thought that it'd be a good idea rock read through my journal for a little while and I had read to the third week of camp and I saw a small piece of writing on the bottom of the page that wasn't my handwriting. The words were smooth and seamless like an artist took some time and concentration to write it. In small text was the words, 'Love is a two way message, but might have trouble being felt by either recipients. The only way to know if it's true is to decode the message and emotions and tell them.' 

I was distraught. Someone had broken into my room and read then proceeded to write in my journal. My heartbeat went from a steady pump to pumping like I just sprinted for a full marathon without stopping for air. My chest tightened and my head started to spin with horrible thoughts. Was it Courtney? I hope not, I called her a drug and I was addicted and would feel empty when she wasn't by my side. 

I started looking to the front of the van. I got in before anyone else and had my earphones in and my book open before anyone else was in with me. I sat up and took out my earphones to see Lazercorn, Mari, Joe, Joven, and ohh god... Courtney who was sitting right in front of me and to my left a seat looking out of the window admiring the coast as we said our goodbyes to the beach and back to the Smoffice.

"Hey, Courtney." I whispered in her ear as everyone else had their headphones on and were sleeping except for Joe and Mari who were talking up front.

"Yeah Shayne. What's up." She whispered back in her silky smooth voice.

"Do you know anything about the writing in my journal by any chance." I said not believing the words were simply flowing from my mouth before I could think to consider her response.

"No, I don't. Why you ask?" Courtney asked scrunching up her face which made my face turn red. 

"Ohh no reason, just....nothing." I trailed off and returned to my silent panic that was unfolding inside my mind.


I straight up lied to Shayne. How dare I. He was a nice guy who had a crush on me. But I just lied to him about this right in his face to. I scrunched my face at myself then turned away quickly scowling myself. I hope he doesn't find out about my little lie.

I spent the rest of the ride in silence straining to hear Shayne talking to himself and his desperate sounding scribbling in his journal. I didn't need to break into his book to know that he was onto me and worried that someone read his deepest darkest secrets. I could hear his small murmurs as he wrote quickly. "So stupid.....she're so stupid." He would occasionally say followed by some very stifled and silent sobs that only I could hear and I could barely hear them. He was breaking down right behind me and I was sitting here listening to a friend's cry to help.

At the next stop I decided to move to the back with Shayne to give Joven and Lazercorn some room to sleep. I told them that I wasn't tired and they needed the space more than I did. I moved next to Shayne a little crammed, but still comfortable. 

"Hey, Shayne...listen. Don't talk just listen." He nodded in response. "So I lied to you. I said that I didn't know about the book, but not only did I read a little of it, but I wrote in it. I'm sorry. I thought that I'd be sneaky, but I'm dying from the guilt and the way I hurt you. Please forgive me." I said tears filling my eyes blurring my vision.

He just stared at me with a tear falling down his cheek and a look of hurt in his eyes.

"Really. It was you. How much did you read?" He said choking back tears.

"Not enough to get into anything to deep. But deep enough to get the point you wrote." I said rubbing his back and I pulled him close for a hug. It was offsetting to see someone so strong be so weak. I got the same feeling when he was crying in the bathroom looking at his reflection in disgust.

"I'm sorry." I whispered in his ear.

I hugged onto him for a few minutes think of what to do. I didn't know so I did the dumbest thing I probably could have done. I pulled away from his desparate grip and held him by the jaw and looked him in the eyes longingly. I was slowly getting closer, but I didn't try to get any closer. I realized that he was getting closer. He grabbed my jaw the same way and I tilted my head as he went in for a long waited kiss. His lips were literally a hair away when Joe yelled, "We home. Wake the fuck up!" Everyone in the van moaned in disapproval and groggily got up and out of the van. 

I looked at Shayne and said reluctantly, "Well I guess the ride's over." 

He nodded and looked like he missed a lifesaving, once in a lifetime opportunity. I felt so sick I thought my stomach was going to rip me in half. I felt my heart yearn for him. Wait...what? Am I in love with Shayne? I must be. I've never felt that way before in my entire life. I gave Shayne one more hug before leaving the van and I felt a sense of warmth when I was in his muscular hug full of love and embrace. How am I going to tell Olivia. 

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