Chapter 4

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"Olivia, Olivia Olivia! Where you at girl!" I yelled running through the halls of the Smoffice. 

I had some news for Olivia and I needed her opinion and advice. I was going to tell her that Shayne and I had almost kissed and I was going to ask Shayne out on a date or something. Especially because we were filming, Every First Date Ever, and there was a scene where Shayne and I went out on a date so I thought that it'd be a good idea to ask him out then. Nothing big just like, "Hey you wanna go out to Starbucks later or something?" I don't know what to do.

I ran through the halls looking for Olivia and when I gave up and headed back to the Smoffice when an arm came out and grabbed me and took me into a dark space. I didn't know who it was or where he was taking me so I struggled for a bit and tried to wiggle my way out of its grasp. Then the gasp let me go and I could barely see anything. It was dark and warm wherever I was. 

"Geez, calm down. Be quiet someone's gonna hear you." I hear a man's hushed voice in my ear. It was Shayne.

"Shayne? God damnit. I thought I was being kidnapped or something. Fuck. Don't you ever do that again." I said scolding him.

"Sorry. I just needed to talk to you in private." He explained whispering.

"Alright. What do you want?" I asked noticing how close I was to him. I could feel the heat radiating off of his chest.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out sometime. Like ya know. As friends?" Shayne whispered shrugging. I could almost see his face getting red.

"Of course. You wanna get some coffee after work?" I asked cutely.

"See you then." He said smiling.

Shayne and I exited the side hall noticing that we were in a dressing rack. We walked out into the main corridor, which was empty, and continued on to our days. I still wanted to find Olivia and tell her the good news.

I walked around back to the Smoffice and there was Olivia sitting alone at her desk. She didn't know that I was there so I snuck up behind her. Right behind her I stood when Noah walked in and Olivia started to turn around and her nose scraped mine and she nearly fell out of her chair and she grabbed her chest breathing heavily. I felt bad, but I laughed at her.

"God fuck, Courtney. I could've had a heart attack cause of you!" Olivia heaved out still shaking.

"Calm down, now I need to tell you something important." I said, but I didn't make realize that Noah was still there in the room. He looked a little awkward being there.

"You can stay Noah." I laugh which brought a smile to his freckled face.

"Alright alright." Noah exclaimed with a punch to the air.

"So Shayne and I are going out on a date later today and I want some advice from you guys. Olivia knows what I should wear and Noah can tell me what to talk about. You know just like a pep talk." I said blushing.

"So you and Shayne are dating?" Olivia and Noah say in almost unison.

"No. Well, not yet. It's not official, but I'll let you two know how the 'date' goes. Sound good?" I ask.

"Alright. So anyways, you should wear your skeleton hands T-shirt. Nothing to formal. Then wrap yourself in your red flannel and wear some denim short shorts." Olivia suggests.

"Sounds like I'm talking to a New York fashion designer. Thanks Liv." I said giving her a huge hug. "So, what should we talk about?" I ask turning my attention to Noah.

"Well. He has a huge crush on you so. I don't know. Talk about anything and he'll listen with a passion." Noah said shrugging.

"What do you mean? Did he tell you or did you talk to him?" I ask trying to get as much information as possible from him.

"No we didn't talk, but I'm probably the only one that notices how he looks at you. He's got some mad feelings for you and whatever you do. Don't tell him that I said that. He'd kill me if this got out." Noah said with his gaze shifting to the hall concern on his face.

"Thanks Noah. You're the best. Well almost." I giggled.

"Aww that's cute." Olivia commented.

"Ohh yeah, anytime." Noah said still eyeing the halls. Then I hugged his skinny frame and thanked him again almost pushing him out into the hall.

Later that day we were going to shoot some Squad Vlogs. We were shooting some Cards Against Humantiy and I was determined to keep my feelings on lowkey so the fans wouldn't go crazy. Not yet anyways. I wasn't quite ready for the attention.

We started filming and whenever the camera wasn't on me I was looking at Shayne. When I was recording I looked at Shayne the entire time. The way he smiled at his hand and thought of the reaction people would have on a card. I felt my face start to blush and I turned my attention to Keith as he read a card that I immediately knew was Shayne because he liked to diss Michael Jackson right to Keith's face just to annoy him. Shayne burst into laughter when Keith's face dropped into disappointment. Shanye laughing made me smile even though I felt bad for Keith I couldn't help but smile.

After the shoot Shayne came up to me and asked, "So are we still up for coffee tonight?" 

"Of course we are. I wouldn't miss it for anything." I answered smiling.

"Alright so I'll  pick you up at your house at like 8:00?" He smiled.

"Sounds good to me. Don't be late." I flirted.

"I don't think I could be." He shot back.

We waved each other goodbye and went back to reading scripts for Every Blank Evers and other miscellaneous sketches. I couldn't wait for the day to end. It was only three.

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