Chapter 7

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I've never been so angry in my entire life. How dare she make assumptions about my private life without evidence or the authority to do so. I continued to sprint through the halls and into rooms. I knew that I looked like an asylum escapist. I don't care. What I do care about is finding the bitch that dares to screw me over with lies. Well, she is telling the truth, but she doesn't need to do that. Well, and she's like my bff so I wouldn't call her a bitch, but...shut up!

I ran passed Joe who looked at me like he was worried about his own well being. I don't blame him. I was furious. Bursting at the seams. I ran passed a few more turns then I saw her. She was standing there resting with a hand on a wall bent over in exhaustion. I ran at her screaming and I tackled her taking her down to the ground. I didn't know what to do so I grabbed her shirt and yelled.

"How could you! How could you!" I yelled until my voice broke.

I felt someone very strong pry my from Olivia. I saw that Shayne has me by the arms and when I broke from his grip and grabbed my waist and lifted me up and took me away. I started crying. I don't know why. It sure as hell wasn't because I felt bad for the bitch. Probably the stress. I collapsed into his arms and he held me tightly for a few seconds hushing me. He tried to soothe me to calm me down. Shayne was taking me back to the office to cool down. I looked back to see that Anthony was standing atop of Olivia helping her up. I knew that she liked him, but did I say anything? Of course not. I respected her that much. That trust and respect was gone.

We were back in the office and Shayne was still holding me. He closed the door with his leg and plopped me down on the couch. I looked up to him and met his eyes. I immediately stopped crying like his eyes dried all the tears in my eyes.

"Hey, just breathe. Alright? You just need to cool down. You're just stressed. Stay in here and I'm gonna go and talk to Olivia and Anthony now, ok?" I nodded at his comforting voice.

"Stay here and don't go anywhere. I'll do the talking for you." I started to cry again and he cupped my cheek with his strong hand and kissed me. Then he said that he loved me and he'd be right back.

I didn't have the energy to go anywhere so I sat there crying and looked at the ceiling. Then I remembered my note. I pulled out my wallet and pulled the note out and just kept reading it over and over and over. Crying at the joy it gave me. I was so lucky to have someone like Shayne in my life.


I quietly closed the door to our office and turned on my heels and sprinted to the scene of the crime. I saw that Olivia had gotten up and Anthony was inspecting her for any injuries. I walked over and started to talk to Anthony.

"For now. I'll be talking on behalf of Courtney until she cools down enough to not scratch you eyes out." I told Anthony then turned to Olivia.

"Are you okay? How bad did she hurt you?" I started asking feeling like I was interrogating a criminal so I tried to soften my tone.

"I'm fine, just a little shook up. She didn't hurt me, physically, but emotionally. I might have just lost my best friend. What have I done?" Olivia started to cry.

"She's fine. There's no injuries at all. Not a scratch. She's just a little scared is all." Anthony diagnosed her.

"Ohh good." I answer.

"So, what was this even about?" Anthony asked standing up straight.

"Well, I forced Noah to tell me something that I wanted to hear, but I don't think I needed to hear. I went and told Mari and then Courtney and Shayne were there and..." Olivia cried even more.

"What was said?" Anthony questioned turning to me.

"Noah said that he saw me looking at Courtney and he thought it was weird so he left to go to the restroom and I think Olivia took him aside and forced an answer out of him." I answered confidently, " You might want to talk to him."

"Alright. Stay here with her. Make sure she doesn't go anywhere near Courtney, ok?" He said starting to go find Noah.

I turned my attention to Olivia and tried my best to comfort her.

"I'm sorry about Courtney. She didn't mean it. She still wants to be friends." I whisper to her.

"You think so?" She asked shaking a little.

"I know it." I said as Keith came around.

"Keith! Come here. Stay here and comfort Olivia. I'm going to go check on Courtney." I said walking away.

He nodded and I took off to Courtney. I hope she's ok. I'm sure she's better now. I blew passed Noah and almost fell trying to stop.

"Noah! Anthony was looking for you. He wanted to talk to you for a second." I said and continued on my way.

I burst in the office and Courtney was laying down on the couch sleeping with the note we were writing in laying on her steadily rising and falling chest. I quietly closed the door and pulled up my desk chair and watched as she slept. She was so peaceful. It was hard to believe that she was so angry just twenty minutes ago. I pulled up my chair and she shifted in her sleep. Her beautiful green eyes opened scanning the room quickly meeting mine.

"Morning, beautiful. Sleep good?" I ask tilting my head to match hers and I smiled.

"I'm good, tired, but better." She whispered in a broken voice.

"You sound tired. I just talked to Olivia and she's fine. She's a little emotional, but she's fine. Are you ok?" I asked still smiling.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just I want this to be over." She sighed calmly.

"I'm just glad you're ok. I love you, Courtney." I whispered.

"I love you too, Shayne. So. Are we still up for dinner?" She asked slowly waking up.

"I thought it was just lunch?" I joked.

"Yeah, well, since everyone on the block knows that we're together we might as well go out without hiding it." She shrugged.

"Alright. You're sure?" I asked making sure.

"Shut up and come here." She said and pulled my shirt taking me into a passionate kiss.

"Should I just leave then?" I hear a voice.

I whip around to see that it's Ian. "No you're fine." Courtney answers for me.

"Is everything alright? No one's hurt? Did you and Olivia make up yet?" Ian asks in rapid order.

"Yeah we're fine. I'm fine and I think so is Olivia, but I haven't seen her yet." Courtney answered her voice still raspy from screaming.

"Well, alright. Come in." Ian answers then motions to someone out in the hall.

Olivia walks in looking at her shoes. She obviously didn't want to be here.

"Courtney? I just want to say that I'm so so so sorry and I wish I could take the last hour back. I hope we're still friends." Olivia sighs almost crying.

"Ohh come here." Courtney says bringing her into a hug they whisper something to each other that I couldn't quite make out.

"So, we're good?" Olivia asks after a few seconds.

"Yeah, we're good." Courtney says plainly.

"Alright then. Everything's back to normal." Ian said, "Come on Olivia let's go get the rest of the crew to go shoot. Shayne. Courtney. You two aren't in this one so take it easy for a few hours. We'll see you two tomorrow morning, sound good?" Ian said making sure we got everything.

"Yeah, we're gonna stay here for a little while then we'll head out." Courtney said then thanked Ian for everything and got up to give him a hug.

She came to sit back down and I asked, "Where you wanna go tonight?"

"I don't know. Wanna go watch a movie?" She asked with her eyes lighting up with a twinkle in them that made my heart smile.

"Anything you want, babe." I tell her with a smile.

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