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I was told I was in a coma for approximately two weeks. We attended Johnny's funeral another two weeks later, after I was out of the hospital. Everyone managed to scrape together some money to hold a small one, since funerals cost an awful lot. I healed fine, the only thing left is some jagged scars, that'll last the rest of my life.  You hear that people's flame never die out, even after they've given their last breath, and they were right. We all still miss Johnny, and we'll never forget him, even if we wanted to. 

The week after everything that had happened in those short couple days were tiresome and hard as you'd expect. Sometimes someone would be gone for a couple of days, just to let everything seep in. That person happened to be Two-Bit, who took a ride to the country to figure out life for himself out of the small life that was Tulsa. Months later after he came home he dated Marcia, who ended up being his wife. They're still living happily together. 

Steve graduated high-school, and ended up working in a proper auto-mechanics shop, after a year or two was given the ownership from the previous owner, who had passed on. He ended up moving to Kansas city, where is the last I've heard from him, is that he has a kid, and his wife unfortunately passed away due to breast cancer. 

Sodapop eventually moved out of home, and managed to take over Steve's shop after he had moved. He's got an apartment of his own and is taking life easy. You'd expect Soda to have kids of his own, but he's living his life, keeping up his reckless grin and sparkling eyes that seem to stick with him through age. 

With Soda out of the house, Darry's been having it easier for him without the extra food having to put on the table. (Although he did go through a bit of 'empty-nest' syndrome, even if he still had Pony taking up the extra bed. Darry took on a full-on 'sales in construction job', and is now able to support the two of them with only the one job. He's got a girlfriend now, and are planning to get married once Ponyboy moves out. 

He had the hardest time after the two weeks of Johnny's death. I would rather not go into details, but it included Darry taking him to a counselor. It's all sorted out, and Pony's fine. He's already graduated high school, and is taking college courses to become a writer. He's been having a blast dating Cathy Carlson, who he met through a mutual friend. 

Sometimes you wonder if Johnny is able to remember us too. None of us ever said it, but we all knew that that dark puppy, who looked as if was kicked too many times, and seemed to be lost in a crowd of stranger, would never be forgotten. You hear that people's flame never die out, even after they've given their last breath, and they were right. We all still miss Johnny, and we'll never forget him, even if we wanted to. We still miss him a lot, so we manage to get the gang together a couple days every year for him, that's what he would have wanted. Ponyboy showed Dal a sunset for him, and they go and see one annually. 

Dal's eased up on his reputation a bit, and stopped hanging out with Tim Shepherd as much as he used to. Dally and I got married a year ago, and are now living in the busier streets of Tulsa. Life has been good to us, and even after everything, I wouldn't want to change a thing. 

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