When I wake the next morning, (It's a Tuesday) I can't help but to re-live that moment out on the street with Easton. In fact I've lost count of how many times. I wonder what he's really like, what's his story?  Anyways, I have to get ready to go. The school awaits me.  

I've been trying not to think too much about school. About the new people. The new "standards" everyone else at school expects of everyone else. Oh well. I pick out an outfit that consists of my favourite shirt, a white lacy sort of thing with moderately baggy sleeves, and a pair of ripped blue jeans.  I grab all my books and stuff them in my blue backpack, grab my boots and head to school.

I'm walking today so I've got some time to my self. I pull out my phone and text Ziya.

"Bonjour, best friend. (do you like my french?)"

"Hey Ivy, thought I'd never hear from you again. What are you up to?"

"Yea sorry, I've been unpacking. Anyways I'm on my way to school."

"First day?"


"Oh well, good luck."


"Make some friends, Okay?"

"Okay, bye Ziya"


Okay, well this is the moment. I'm here. At Calgary High. Walking within the crowds of people. Doing what they always do. 

I see someone standing outside the front doors "Hey, do you know where room 107 is?" I ask.  I don't think she heard me. Oh well, I don't want to bother her.  I'll find it on my own. 

It didn't take long, I found the class room. Room 107 Ms. Hall's room. Science class. It's a bit early no ones showed up yet, I pull out my text book and just sit until the rest of the class gets here. It was pretty silent prior to the rest of the students filing into class. A girl with long blond- more like honey coloured hair and really nice blue eyes with a hint of green (I love how I notice all of this)  sits down beside me.

"Hi." I say.

"Oh, hi. Haven't seen you around. Are you new?" 

"Yup. Here from Ohio." 

"Cool. Oh, by the way, I'm mac. Well, Macenzie, but mac. Yea."

She seems nice. Mac. That's a cool name.  We talk throughout the class about what this school's like. I start to ask her about our classes and the teachers. Turns out we also have math and art together. When class was over we grabbed our books and headed out together.

The day went by pretty fast. It's my last class already. Math.  I sit down in the sorta uncomfortable blue chairs, and start doing the textbook pages written on the whiteboard. I'm half way through doing the work when I look up and see Easton sitting a few desks over from mine. Far enough that he won't notice me looking.

"Are you okay?"  I jumped a little. I look back. Mac is sitting beside me. "Umm, yeah sorry, I zoned out for a minute there."  I said.  I try to finish the work but I can't help but look over at him. 

But, the more and more I see him. The more familiar he seems.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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