Cartoonz X Reader *Dance*

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I hope you guys like it and if you have any requests i'll be happy to do them. <3


Your POV


You took a deep breath and walked into school, you see your school, it's very different it's not stereotypical school were your a nerd and you get bullied. It's either you get noticed or you don't and in your case you were invisible. No one knows your name and they forget that you go to this school. It's good for your case because you get to get out of here with a clean plate and start your life at the University of Performing Arts.

You plan to get a scholarship by dancing you loved to dance. It sucks that you don't take dance class in school but you don't want to get noticed. After school you go to a dance studio that your mom owns, you teach there to help her out and it's what you love to do. You would see some people from school but but the were usually girls.

They usually go to your mom's class, which is ballet and you personally don't like it because it's slow but you could do it. You could do any type of dance ballet to break dancing. You loved to dance you came out of your trance when you bumped into someone. Waiting to hit the ground, instead two arms wrapped around your waist keeping you from hitting the ground. You look up to see Cartoonz or Luke holding you, "hey you okay" he asked.

This is a situation that you don't want to be in reason 1 he's apart of the popular group. Reason 2 you have a HUGE crush on him "oh... um... i'm fine" you said standing up but he still had his arms around you. "Um... you can let go now" you whispered, "oh" he said and let go stuffing his hands in his pockets and stood there awkwardly.

"Well i'm just gonna go, thanks for catching me" you said "no problem i couldn't just let a pretty girl get hurt". You blushed at him calling you pretty, you smiled at him and walked to your first class. You huffed as you sat down 'can this day get any more embarrassing' you thought. You were lost in thought that you didn't notice someone sit next to you, you felt a tap on your shoulder you looked to your side and saw Cartoonz.

'Great' you thought "hey" he whispered you did a small wave and faced the teacher. "What's your name" he whispered trying to get your attention, you faced him and wrote down on a piece of paper '(y/n)'. "Nice name but can you talk" he asked you nodded and looked down "okay class today will be a chill day don't get too loud" the teacher. 'Dammit' you thought 'i don't want to talk to him' you though again, when you thought he was gonna talk to you again his friend Delirious started to talk to him.

You sighed in relief and just started to write in your journal. During the whole day you would avoid Cartoonz, you sighed in relief as the last bell rung to get the hell out of here. You exited the school doors and started to walk down the street. "(Y/N)" you heard someone call out from behind you, you turned and saw Cartoonz trying to make his way through the crowd of students down the sidewalk.

'Fuck' you thought and started to run, he kept on calling your name but eventually you lost him in the crowd. You were leaning on the side of your mom's dance studio. You huffed and walked inside as you walked into the back room to your locker your mom walked in.

"Hey sweetie you have some new students and they are some good looking fellows about your age" she said. "Okay mom" you said kissing her cheek walking into the bathroom to change into your dance gear.

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