Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

Last nigh I actually went to sleep, even though I only got 4 hours, it still counts. I was woken up to Draco falling over, trying to put on his pants. "Do you realise it's less painful to put pants on while standing, Malfoy." I smirked at him whilst I climbed out of bed. "Funny, Potter. Really you're hilarious." He glared at me from the ground and I poked my tongue out, at him. I walked over to where he was laying on the ground, I held out my hands to help him up. I pulled his pants up and slid my hands around the sides of his torso. "You're welcome." I whispered in his ear, i gave him goosebumps. What the hell was that Harry? What the fuck came over you? I though to myself as I grabbed my towel and hopped in the shower. that's when I remembered what happened last night.

He's Gay, He likes you back, and you have him the whole weekend-what? No stop it.
I don't understand where all these sexual feelings towards Draco are coming from, when I whispered in his ear, all I wanted to do was touch him and kiss the fuck out of him. With that, I go out of the shower, got dressed and went to find Hermione and Ron.

They were sitting next to the fireplace, with Hermoine's head in Ron's lap. "Hey Guys." I said and walked over to them. "Morning Harry." Hermione chirped. Ron didn't say anything, nor did he look at me. I didn't even think about how Ron would react to me being gay. "What's your problem?" I asked him as Hermione got up. "Nothing." He said through gritted teeth. I decided to let it go for now and we walked to breakfast.

I sat in between Draco and Hermione, and Ron gave me a look. When I sat down, Draco attached his hand to mine and we smiled at each other. I turned to Hermione, "'mione, um, are you okay with me being gay, I know I didn't tell you myself-" she cut me off. "Harry, I could not be any happier, I've always wanted a gay best friend." She smiled warmly at me and I returned it. "Do you think Ron has a problem with it?" I asked, nodding toward him. "I think he does, but don't worry. If he doesn't come around soon, I'll sort him out." She winked at me. "Thanks 'Mione." I said and let go of Draco's hand to hug her. I would be so lost without her, I'm the luckiest person ever.

It was the last period of the day and it was potions. Great. At least Draco's my partner. Once we were all in the class, we sat and waited for Professor Myden. Mine and Draco's legs were tangled together, lucky we're in the back of the class. "Are you alright Harry, you've been out of it all day.?" Draco asked me. "Yeah, just I think Ron is sour about the whole being gay thing," I admitted. "Oh." He knows the feeling, He grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Never thought I'd see the day where Draco was comforting me about Problems with Ron, but you know people change and times change and Ron needs to accept that I have changed.

After potions, all six of us went straight to the great hall for dinner, Ron hasn't even looked at me since breakfast, I was starting to really worry about this. I sat in between Draco and Pansy, with Blaise Hermione and Ron across from us. Ron, Pansy and Blaise were having their own conversations. "Why won't he talk to me?" I asked Hermione and Draco. They looked at each other than at me. "He probably just needs time to warm up to...your sexuality." Hermione finally said. "Yeah but he hasn't even looked at me let alone tried to talk to me, 'Mione, he hates me." I said looking down at my lap. "Oh don't be silly Harry, he's your best friend, he can't avoid it forever." She said a bit annoyed.  I  tried to decipher wether she was angry with me or Ron but I couldn't. "I need to go to the toilet." I stood up and walked out not bothering to finish my dinner. I didn't know where I was walking, but I just had to get out. I found one of the abandoned classrooms in the dungeon near the common room. I locked the door and sat it the corner. "Why can't he just accept me? Being gay doesn't change who I am, only who I date," I said to myself. Than realisation struck, this isn't about me being gay, it's about Malfoy.

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