Chapter 7

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Draco's POV

It was finally Friday afternoon, the weekend of the camping trip. But plans had changed. Harry and I were now going along to the camping trip with the others. I wasn't too excited. I had never been camping as father explained how it was a 'pointless muggle activity', but I could see that Harry was, so I agreed to go along. This means my hair will have to stay messy for another week, although it was kinda growing on me, literally, I still needed it cut along with my oh-so-slowly growing facial hair, even though it's pretty much non existent.

"Harry have you packed the sleeping bags and the food?" Hermione ran around trying to organise everyone. I tried to find any idea about what a sleeping bag was, in my head. I got nothing. "Yes and yes." Harry nodded to the bag in the corner. "Good, what about yours and Draco's toiletries and clothes." She asked, pre occupied. "Yes Hermione." Harry said, exasperated and he rolled his eyes. Hermione bounced on her heels, "I guess we're ready." She announced.

We all made it to the spot near the lake after an hour of walking, it was still light. Blaise put down his bag and pulled out three disassembled tents and gave one to Harry, one to Ron and one to Pansy. "Malfoy." Harry called and I snapped my head in his direction. "You're job is to help me set up the tent, not stand around and look pretty." He snarled while discerning the instructions. "Oh but I am good at looking pretty." I cockily stated. Harry rolled his eyes and handed me two poles. "And What do I do with these?" I shifted my weight. "You connect them Draco." Harry said it as if I were stupid. I put them together and they made a clicking sound. "Good, do that with the rest of them and build it into a pyramid shape." Harry said, connecting other poles together.

Half an hour had passed and we were still no closer to having a tent built to when we first started. The other four had already set up the whole campsite, along with a Bon fire. We nearly had it when the tent collapsed in on us, Harry and I lay there and sighed.  "Have you two forgotten that you're wizards?" Blaise asked while leaning against a tree. Harry and I looked at each other with wide eyes. Harry cast a spell on the tent and told me to get the sleeping bags. I came back with two silky pouches, "these?" I asked Harry, holing up the objects I was carrying. "Yes Draco, have you never seen a sleeping bag before?" He asked, grabbed one from my hand and started in wrapping it. "" I said pulling out what seemed to be a blanket/sack. "What did you expect we sleep in, if you didn't know what sleeping bags were?" He asked. "Well beds, like we could accio them here." I shrugged. "No, that wouldn't even be camping, just sleeping outside." Harry pointed out. "So what, were just gonna sleep in caterpillar cocoons instead." I said holding up a red and black sleeping bag, with an outraged look on my face. Harry rolled his eyes "Draco, you're definitely the girl in this relationship." Harry said stepping out of the tent. "Hey! Who's the bigger spoon in bed?" I asked, following him out to sit with everyone else around the fire. "Well you, but I could easil-" Harry was cut off by Hermione . "Wait! You two sleep together?" She asked with wide eyes. "Arh yeah-" Harry was cut off again but by Ron this time. "Wow, too much information." Ron said whilst he roasted his marshmellows. "Oh bloody hell Ron, not like that." Harry bit back. "Wether you do it or not, doesn't get rid of the bad image in my head." Ron had a disgusted look on his, face crossing his arms. "Hey! How do you know what we look like naked?" I joked, Ron glared at me and the others laughed. It was silent for a few minutes before Pansy decided to make things awkward. "Seeing as you (Harry and Draco) share a room, have you two seen each other naked?" she smirked and elbowed Blaise when neither Harry nor I answered. "So you two have seen each other naked?" She asked with raised eyebrows. "Well yeah" Harry admitted and smirked at me. By now the sun had gone down and I only just saw the hand that Pansy held out to Hermione, indicating that she needed to pay. Oh. "You two bet on us?" I asked. "Yep." Pansy pipped. "What were you betting on?" Harry sounded genuinely curious. "You and Draco would fuck within a week or at least see each other naked." Hermione was talking to Harry but looking intently at the fire. "Are you gonna tell us how it happened or do I have to force it out of you two?" Pansy now sat on the edge of the log with her head in her hands. I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly. "I was in the bath and Harry burst in saying something about his contacts so he fixed them and than joined me in the bath." I shrugged and Ron shuddered. Pansy and Hermione chuckled and Blaise smirked. "I'm going to bed, good night." Ron said as he walked over to his tent. "Me too" Hermione smiled sweetly and caught up with Ron. "We might hit the sack too." Blaise said grabbing Pansy hand and we bid each other goodnight. Harry stood up, walked over to me and sat in between my legs on the ground in front of the log I was sitting on. I smiled and started tiny braids in his hair as he leant his head against my thigh, staring at the fire. We sat like this a long time before we decided to go to bed.

I couldn't sleep, I was so uncomfortable, cold and I felt as if I were missing something, Harry. I don't know why it bothered me that we were sleeping apart tonight but now I felt like I needed him next to me, like he was my key to dream land. It felt weird depending on someone to sleep with me Because I've always been the opposite. I never really had someone that was there for me. My Father was always away with 'work', until I was twelve and he was teaching me to be a death eater. I Though this was my chance to finally please my father and make him proud, but i never did anything to his standards. It hurt me to see how he looked down at me with disappointment, it hurt more than the crucios, hexes and the physical beatings to hear my Fathers thoughts about his one and only son that 'never did anything right' and was 'a complete waste of space'. My mother often neglected me and told me to play in my room. She never taught me how to cook, how to tie my shoe laces or how to ride a bike, that was Dobby's job. Dobby was my only friend, he was like a little brother, an uncle and a Buttler all at the same time, until Harry freed him, though I was happy he got away from my father but I was lonely. "Draco, are you awake?" Harry snapped me out of my thoughts and the bitter taste of tears slipped onto my lips. "Yeah, you can't sleep either?" I asked, I tried to hide the fact that I was crying. "No, I need my snuggle buddy." Harry said climbing into my sleeping bag as I unzipped it. He kissed me on the cheek and shot straight up. Shit, he knows I'm crying. "Draco." He sat me up, I put my arms around Harry's waist and sobbed into his chest. Harry rubbed circles on my back and leant his cheek on the top of my head. He held me while I cried,  until I fell asleep on his lap.

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