Chapter 15

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Third person POV

Draco and Harry both went to dinner in the great all, but not together. Harry walked in early with Hermione, to find Ron and Blaise playing Wizards chess. Harry sat beside Blaise and Hermione sat in front of him, next to Ron.
"You look like shit Mate. What happened?" Ron asked, to looking up from the chess board.
"Thanks Ron." Harry said sarcastically, "Well Draco an-"
"Draco?! If Draco hurt yo-" Ron cut Harry off but was than cut off my Hermione amd Blaise cleared his throat.
"Ronald." Hermione warned.
"Actually it was me, I hurt Draco." Harry said, looking down at his lap, his hands fidgeting under the desk. Blaise turned away from the game and toward Harry.
"So, are you gonna tell us, or do we have to beat it out of you?" Blaise joked but kept a straight face. Harry laughed lightly and Hermione bit her lip. Ron was still focused on the game but he was also listening.
"But seriously, tell me." Blaise urged Harry.
"Pansy's really rubbing off on you Blaise." Harry joked.
"Harry." Blaise pushed.
"I don't really want to talk about it, sorry." Harry apologised and looked back down at his hands. Blaise sighed and turned back to the game when Ron's piece smashed his own.

Hermione didn't know how to comfort Harry, she could tell him everything was going to be okay because she really didn't think it was going to be. She couldn't let Harry cry on her shoulder and pat his back because she knew what Harry did was awful. She had no idea what to do, normally it was her job to make Harry feel better, but this time she couldn't, only Draco had that power. So she watched Ron and Blaise play chess as Harry sat awkwardly looking at his hands still. Ron slid his arm around Hermiones lower back, this relaxed her a little bit. Ron on the other hand, didn't know what was happening between Harry and Draco, he didn't feel like he had to care because it was their relationship, not his. Blaise was disappointed that Harry didn't tell him what happened but he knew Pansy or Draco would tell him later, so he wasn't too fussed over it. Now Harry, he felt like his whole world depended on how Draco will take it when Harry talks to him, if Harry talk to him. He was dreading facing Draco, he felt too guilty that he had hurt Draco so much. All he kept thinking about was Draco, the Dark mark and what he did. Even though dinner was staring, Harry need to get out of there.

"Um, I'll be back in a minute." Harry lied, he knew he wasn't hungry, and he knew he wouldn't be able to sit in the same room with Draco, without something dramatic happening. Harry stood up and rushed towards the door. He was half was across the th great hall when Draco entered behind Pansy. Harry's heart dropped when he saw the blond boy holding his arm, where the dark mark, lied upon his skin. He look at Pansy for any positive sign of communication, but all he got was a blank stare and an harphazed smile. He looked at Draco's face and he saw nothing but heart break and despair when They made eye contact. Harry felt the tears well up in his eyes when Draco shook his head with a look of anger on his face. Harry ran past the two and out the door, to the astronomy tower. The world was blurry to Harry as he ran with tears falling from his eyes. He had known how wrong, what he did was, but it hadn't fully hit him until he saw Draco's disapproving stare go right through him, as if he was nothing.

Harry was now sitting in the Astronomy tower, legs over hanging the edge. The expression Draco wore when he saw him in the great hall, was replying through Harry's mind. Tears just kept falling but Harry had given up on wiping them away, as there were too many of them. All the raven haired boy wanted to do was crawl up into a ball, fall asleep and never wake up, not having to deal with the pain and guilt, that haunted him with every tear.

Draco walked to dinner with Pansy, as soon as he opened the door he saw Harry's mesmerising, deep green eyes. They showed no response at all, just blank, like all the emotions had been sucked clean out of his body. Draco shook his head, he was nearly going feel something for this boy, but than Draco remember how Harry didn't want him and anger showed up on his face as Harry ran past him. How stupid had he been to think someone could actually love him. They got to the Slythindor table and Hermione stood up to engulf Draco into a hug.
"Oh Draco, Harry told me what happened, I'm so sorry." Hermione said soothingly in Draco's ear, he just nodded into her shoulder and went to find his seat, next to Blaise.
"You alright mate?" Ron asked. Draco was a tad bit shocked he had heard this from Ron's mouth before Blaise's.
"Uh, yeah I'm fine. Thanks" Draco gave Ron a small smile, to which Ron responded with an genuine smile. Draco though Ron's smile was comforting and it calmed him down a bit. Blaise patted Draco on the back, but this was all that he need from Blaise to know that he supported him. Pansy and Hermione were whispering to each other on the other side of the table next to Ron, but none of the boys could hear a thing, until Hermione gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. The girls looked at Draco and he knew that Hermione wanted to see it. So he rolled up his sleeve and lied it across the table, the four of them sat staring at Draco's arm. Ron and Blaise both felt uncomfortable, not acknowledging what they were looking at, they went back to their food. Hermione's jaw dropped.
"He said it was horrible, but I didn't expect it to be this bad." Hermione admitted. Draco shrugged and rolled his sleeve down, to sit his arm in his lap.

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