Chapter 14

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Third person POV

Harry woke, tangled up in a snoring Draco and greeted by a ray of sunlight. He shifted his body weight slowly, trying not to wake his boyfriend but it didn't work. Draco groaned and rubbed his eyes. That was when the two boys noticed they were back in their own bodies.
"Harry!" Draco sat upright and grabbed Harry's face.
"Dra-Mmmph" Harry was cut off by Draco's lips crashing into his and drowning him in a sloppy but heated kiss. Harry brought his hand up to Draco's hair and forced him further into the kiss as Harry grabbed a fistful. Draco climbed on top of Harry's lap and lowered him down, so that he was in a laying position.
"Don't take this the wrong way Draco, but I'm unbelievably happy to have my body back." Harry said with giggle, breaking the kiss.
"Oh don't worry, I'm happy you have your body back too. I missed kissing your lips." Draco admitted and pecked Harry on the lips.
"Marlin, I'm starving" Harry groaned. Draco cast a quick tempus charm.
"No wonder, it's twelve forty three." Draco said, jumping off of Harry and heading straight for the bathroom.
"I'm having a shower than we'll go get food." Draco said as he reached the bathroom door.

Harry felt like he had just been abandoned, Draco had kissed him so passionately and he though it was leading to something else. He was disappointed by the lack of Draco's touch. Harry knew it was stupid and he should just push it aside but it really hurt him. He knew Draco was just excited and he didn't mean anything by it.

Draco's POV

I woke up to find Harry next to me, but is wasn't me-harry is was Harry-harry. We were in our own bodies again.
"Harry!" I was so exited, I just wanted to kiss the shit out of him, so I did. It felt to good to touch Harry again in his own skin.
"Dra-Mmmph" Harry tried to talk but it would have to wait, I was too busy eating his face. He grabbed my hair and I straddled his waist. My hands were either side of Harry's head and he said.
"Don't take this the wrong way Draco, but I'm unbelievably happy to have my body back." He giggled, it was such an amazing thing to see Harry happy.
"Oh don't worry, I'm happy you have your body back too. I missed kissing your lips." I said before I pecked his lips.
"Marlin, I'm starving" Harry groaned. I casted tempus charm. I felt my arm burn from the quick movement and the fresh cuts on my arm caught my attention. I realised straight away what this was. I needed to get out of there before I broke down.
"No wonder, it's twelve forty three." I said, jumping off of Harry and heading straight for the bathroom.
"I'm having a shower than we'll go get food." I tried to cover my panic as I slammed the bathroom door, cast a silencing charm.

I looked down at my wrist through my blurry tears. Does he really find this thing so ugly that he wants to get rid of it as much as I do? I felt like I had been lied to, Harry told me not to cut my arm, not to harm myself. But then he goes and does it while he's in my body.
I turned the hot water on as I stepped into the shower, sobbing, I sat on the ground as the water got mixed with my tears and washed them away. At this point I just wanted a blade or anything sharp. I just wanted to get rid of this pain, get rid of this hurt.

I managed to calm myself down enough to see Harry when I got dressed. I shyly opened the door to find an empty room. Harry was no where to be found. Maybe Harry got sick of seeing me. He probably didn't want to spend all of breakfast looking at my face so he just went without me. This though only made me cry more. I lay face down on my bed and start quietly sobbing into my pillow.

I held my breath and tried to stop crying as I heard the door opening.

Third person POV

Harry got dressed into black jeans, a long sleeve, white shirt and his red converse. Harry was completely unaware of what was happening in his bathroom at the present time. He played with his lip ring using his tongue while he walked down the hall way and into the common room to find Hermione and Pansy doing their charms essay.
"Hey 'Mione, Pans'." Harry greeted the two.
"Hey Harry, you've finally changed back?" Pansy raised her eyebrow as she turned to face him. Hermione hoped out of her seat and gave Harry a bear hug.
"Yeah, its good to have my own body back. Even with this thing in my lip." Harry smirked, both girls knew Harry loved his lip ring.
"Well it's good to have you back." Hermione said returning to her homework. Harry just smiled and shook his head at his best friend, he wasn't surprised that she wasn't too fussed over Harry's return to his own body, more than her homework. That's just the way Hermione was and he wouldn't have her any other way, he loved her for her, no matter how geeky and obsessive she was.
"Where's Draco?" Pansy asked, interrupting Harry's thoughts.
"Hm? Oh he went to have a shower." Harry stated, Pansy picked up on the slight disappointment in Harry's voice, but her thoughts immediately turned to that night when she found Draco passed out, nearly dead on the bathroom floor. Oh how she wanted to forget that day, those images popped up in her head every time Draco went to the bathroom or to have a shower. Pansy really hoped he was over the self harming and hatred toward himself, because none of it was his fault, he never wanted any of it. Pansy shook her head and turned back around to finish her essay, she was only three inches away from finishing. Harry sat down at the table after he acio'd a bottle of water from the kitchen.
"I really don't see why we can't just do that with food when we don't want to get up." Ron said from behind them, he was talking about the bottle of water Harry charmed.
"Good morning to you too Ron." Harry said with sarcasm.
"I see you and Harry haven't changed back yet than, Draco?" Ron leant on the back of Hermione chair.
"Actually I am Harry, we changed back some time this morning." Harry said matter-of-factly.
"Blimey Harry, Draco's wearing off on you isn't he?" Ron asked, rhetorically, but Harry glared at Ron as he thought up a witty come back.
"Not a bad thing though." Harry said smugly. Ron just hummed in response.
"I'm going to the great hall, I'm starving." Ron said
"Wait there, I'll go get Draco and we can go together." Harry said rushing off to his room. Ron just groaned and plonked himself down beside Pansy.

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