Chapter 4

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Barry's POV
She was going to tell me something...
What could it have been?
The truth?
That it was or wasn't the truth?
If only Iris showed up a little bit later...
I would know....

I grabbed my work and went to the elevator where Iris was talking to Joe.

"Where are you going?" asks Iris.

"Uh.... I have to do some stuff, but I'll call you okay?"


"Bye" I say and the elevator doors close.
I arrived at Star Labs and went into the cortex.

Hope she's here. Its only 5pm. Then I see Cisco.

"Hey! Long time no see, Barry"

"Hey, how you been?"

"Good and you?"

"Good, great, so is Caitlin here?" I ask looking around.

"Uh.... I think she's down at the particle accelerator. Just head down the stairs into two big doors " he says.

"Okay, thanks bye"

"Wait.." but I didn't listen. I need to find out what she was going to say. And the only way to thought was unfinished because I had just walked in on Ronnie and Cait. They were kissing.

"Oh, uh sorry" I say scratching the back of my neck looking at the floor.

"Oh, hey Barry, what's up?" Cait says.

"Well, uh....I'll just talk to you some other time" I say walking away but I heard Cait shout my name. I was in front of the elevator when I heard footsteps. I turned around and it was Cait.

"Barry, Hey! You didn't give me your phone number"

"Oh yeah, here you go" I say getting a piece of paper and writting my number.

"Thanks!" she says. "I'll see you around then?"

"Yes, bye" I pushed the button and then thought of something. "Hey, Cait?"

"Yeah?" she asks.

"I was wondering maybe you, licity, oli and I could hang out? Like an old group reunion?"

"Uh...sure when?"


"Perfect, let's go for a movie?

"Yeah, there's a Smurfs movie, want to see it?"

"I'd love too, see you there at 6"

"See you then" I say and head in the elevator.


"Hey! Barry! Haven't talked to you for awhile"

"Yeah, sorry I've been busy"

"Yeah me too"

"So, I was wondering if you and Felicity wanted to go out tonight and maybe watch a movie?"

"Uh yeah sure, and who else might be there?"

"You and your fiance, Cait and me"

"Ah okay... Wait.. Cait, too?"

"Yep, so your in?"

"Yes, but Barry?"


"What are you planning to do?"

"Nothing, just an old reunion" I say and hang up.

And the truth. Im planning to find out the truth. The whole truth and nothing, but the truth. No more lies. No more pain. Only her truth.

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