A New Job

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You look in the mirror, sighing loudly.

"Okay, let's get a job." You look in the newspaper, looking for jobs. Until you find one. A security guard, at a abandoned company. You wondered, an abandoned company? That's odd. You call up the number, and they pick up.
Voice: "Hello? This better not be another prank call."
You: "N..No it's not. I'm seeing your job, as a security guard?"
Voice: "Ahh, yes! That job. Yes it's free, and you get $90 dollars an hour."
*$90 dollars an hour. Eh it will have to do.*
You: "Alright. But may I ask you something."
Voice: "Yes?"
You: "Why would there be a guard at a place that's uh.. Abandoned."
Voice: "Ahh, yes. You see we think children keep spraying graffiti on it. We need to put a stop too it."
You: "Uh.. Alright"
Voice: "Your shift starts tomorrow at 6pm. You will be with some one, so don't worry too much! His name is Henry, and he's a nice guy."
You: "Uh okay, thanks!"
As you hang up you feel like it isn't right. Why would it matter if kids spray paint in a place that no body goes to anymore. As questions flow into you head, you decide to go to sleep.

As the sun wakes you up, you decide to well, get up out of bed. Since you have a roommate, you tell them that you got a job, and you can even help them out with the rent. "Oh really, thanks Y/N!" "No problem, Sparky." Yes, her name was Sparky. But you didn't all believe it. She had short hair, that's black then at the tips a bright yellow. She loved to skate and she would even take you too her skating club some times.

~ Time skip of when your job is ready, cuz hey we don't wanna be bored, do we? (:| ~

You jump out of your car, looking around to see Henry. "Hey, Y/N is it?" You turn around too see him. "Yeah, and you're Henry, right?" "Yep!" He didn't look weirded out by you or him knowing each other name, because the person on the phone told you both. "Well, let's go shall we?" You laugh and walk into the place. Henry's eyes shrink and he starts to walk back. "What's the matter?" "It's just that.. I kind of you too.. Oh never mind." He doesn't finish off his sentence.

As you are looking around the place, Henry seems like he knows where he's going. "Wow! You certainly know where you're going." He laughs "Heh, yeah." As you are walking along, you see something strapped to a board. You walk closer and closer, until you see the full image. "Holy.." It's heart was cut out of its body, and it was ripped open. Your so shocked of what you just saw, and feeling like your about to faint. You start to feel dizzy, and then you pass out. You feel warm hands catch you, and you feel gloves as well. "Henry.." You mumble, but there is no response.

_-The One With The Ink Heart (Yandere Bendy X Reader ) -_Where stories live. Discover now