3.) Chicago Fire-Season 4 Finale/Season 5 premiere

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Starts from when Stella and Kelly are in her room and Grant is in the apartment with a knife.

"What is this? Is this the reason you won't love me anymore?! Huh?!" Grant screamed as he walked into Stella's room, where she and Kelly were making out.

"Grant! What the hell are you doing here?" Stella asked.

"I was here to apologize, but I have a new mission: make you love me again. And do you know how I'm going to do that?"


"No!" Grant yelled, throwing the knife like a dart, sending it directly into Kelly's
upper-stomach. "Let him die, Stella-Bella. Come back to me!" Grant yelled, tears streaming down his face.

Stella ran to Grant and pushed him into the wall, knocking him off balance. She took that as an opportunity to run and grab duct tape, which she used to tape his hands together and tape him to the wall quickly before calling 911 and tending to Kelly.

"Stella..." Kelly let out as she tried her best to stabilize the knife and keep him still.

"I'm here, I'm here. Help is coming, don't worry." She assured him as paramedics came running in with police officers right behind for Grant.


"He's stable for now." Will Halstead announced to the entire firehouse family, who had all showed up after they were told the news. "The knife severed the stomach and intestines, but we've repaired everything and he'll make a full recovery."

"Can I see him?" Stella asked, Kelly's blood stained bright red on her hands.

"Of course, room 2."

Stella hurried to Kelly's room and sat next to him, just as he woke up.

"Hey, you're awake." Stella said, unsure of how he'd feel towards her.

"I'm alive? Wow." He chuckled, soon wishing he hadn't due to the pain he soon felt.

"Are we okay? Like, this whole 'Crazy-Grant' thing isn't making you hate me?" Stella asked.

"What? No. Listen, we're all good. I love you, ya know."

"Yeah, I love you too."

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