90.) Chicago PD - Shorter Leash

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"Target fleeing westbound on foot, plain clothes officer in pursuit." Adam Ruzek called into his radio, chasing a suspect in a triple-homicide investigation. He and Atwater were there together, but Kevin had got distracted arresting the suspect's accomplice. 

"Stop, CPD!" Adam called after the guy, turning into an alley and suddenly not seeing him. "Alright, I know you didn't disappear. You're a serial killer, not a magician. Where are you, Reynolds?"

Suddenly, a brick was thrown at Adam's head from a fire escape. Adam, however, ducked and the brick hit him in the back, knocking him down.

During this time, when Adam was down, the suspect got off the escape and began to beat him up, punching and kicking him excessively. All he could do was lie on the ground and take it as he bled and waited for Kevin to find him.

And, after 5 minutes, he did. "Hey, Chicago PD! Stop!" He yelled, running towards the scene and tackling the guy off of his partner. Kevin quickly put the guy in handcuffs and cuffed him to a fence so he could tend to his beaten buddy.

"Ruzek, you okay?" He asked gently, kneeling beside the bloodied man.

Adam moaned in pain, holding his stomach before spitting blood. "Not at all."

"Try not to move, Okay? I'll call an ambulance for you, just hang in there."

Gabby and Sylvie arrived on scene after the murder suspect was taken away by patrol units.

"Whoa, What happened?" Sylvie asked, taking in the scene before kneeling beside Adam.

"Suspect roughed him up pretty bad." Kevin answered, still by Adam's side.

"Yeah, I'd say so. Okay, Adam, we're going to roll you onto your back, okay?" Gabby said before gently pulling him onto his back, making him nearly sob.

"What hurts the most?" Sylvie asked, putting a C-collar on him.

"Back, stomach, head." Adam made out softly.

"Alright, let's take a ride to Med."


"He's out of surgery and we've stopped the internal bleeding. He also has a concussion and some pretty severe bruising. I'd say give him about a month or so and he can return to work." Will Halstead told the Intelligence Unit in the waiting room.

"I can't believe he got that beat up by a suspect in just 5 minutes." Kevin said in disbelief.

"Well, he's Ruzek. Keep him on a shorter leash." Jay chuckled, glad his friend was okay.

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