53.) Chicago PD - Request

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Requested by nataliebejerman

"Why is it that you always end up in my ED?" Maggie asked Jay as she and Will tended to him as he came in on a stretcher.

"I would much rather spend my time at a Blackhawks game, but then I couldn't see your smiling face." Jay said through gritted teeth.

He'd taken a big fall off a roof and landed on his back, leaving him unable to move from the waist down. The EMT's ruled it as temporary paralysis, but had to take him to Med until he recovered.

After giving Jay an exam, Will agreed with what the paramedics said. However, he knew what was coming next and that Jay would not like it. At all.

"Alright, you should regain feeling and movement within a few days or so, but until then..." Will started, Jay cutting him off.

"No. Don't even say it. Don't go there." Jay started, nearly panicking when he sat Will pull out the supplies for a catheter. "No, no, no, no, no."

"I'm sorry, man."

"At least get a hot nurse to do it! I don't want you seeing my, well, everything!"

"You don't think I tried to avoid it? I asked everyone, but they all have other things to do. I'm the only one available, plus you're my patient. I have to. Sorry."

"I'd rather piss the bed for a few days."

"I'd have to change the sheets and clean you up then and I'd see everything anyway. Can we just get this done with? It's not like I haven't done this before."

Jay sighed. "Can you at least sedate me?"

"I cannot sedate you for something you won't even feel just to make you a bit less uncomfortable. Stohl would have my head for 'wasting supplies.' Let's just do it quick."

"Fine." Jay said, allowing Will to move the blankets and pull the gown up. "There goes my dignity."

Will worked quickly and was soon finished. He put Jay's gown back down and put the blankets over him. "See? Not so bad."

"Yeah, not so bad. My brother just saw everything and I lost all the self-respect and dignity I'd ever have. That was fantastic. Let's do it every week." Jay said sarcastically.

"Alrighty then. I'll be back to check on you later."

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