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Please don't hate me I'm sorry. Hope this makes up for it. Please comment and give me any feed back. Enjoy. Xxx

Sang's POV

Soon after the boys left and Dr Green gave me more pain killers and I started to dose. Never quite falling asleep but hovering on the edge. I felt lighter knowing mother couldn't hurt Hunter anymore. He was safe from her.
Just as I got comfortable and began to fall into sleep the air in the room moved, filling with an overly sweet perfume, as a kind looking nurse entered the room.
"Miss Sang you have a visitor for you would you like me to let him in?" She asked politely, her red lips pulled up in a sweet smile, her blue eyes fixed on my face.
Confused I stared back. I had a visitor. I've never had a visitor before. Maybe it was one of the boys. But they weren't announced before. They just came in or were already in the room. All the questions bouncing in my head cleared out the remaining fatigue I felt from my light nap.
" I guess s-so" I answered nervously, tripping over the words did I want to see the visitor.
"You don't have to see them if you don't want to munchkin, I'll just say your not quite up to visitors yet" she answered sweetly glancing out to the corridor.
"Who is I-it?" I murmured glancing to the door to see if the person was outside. But all I saw was a white wall with royal blue trimmings and a cartoon lion painted on it, like the ones from Hunters book.
"It's a Mr Saxon I believe" she replied.
I don't have a clue who that is. Thinking back through the limited people I have met I don't recognise the name.
"Um, ok just s-send him I-in please!" The Nurse turned and walked out the door her auburn hair swaying in the confines of its ponytail.
Letting out a sign I felt the tension of having someone in the room leave. Laying back my head I let out a groan. I was going to have to sit up. Who could be visiting me it's never happened before.
As I struggled to sit up with my casted leg and sore back I failed to notice the visitor enter the room till a hand gripped around my arm in a painfully tight grip. I let out a gasp and turned to face the visitor as dread pooled in my stomach.
"Well, what do you know just as I though I got rid of you and that psychopathic bitch I get a call to come and collect Marie because her mother is being put on trail for child abuse and attempted murder!" He said in my ear as he pulled me closer to him. His brown eyes flashing with hatred as a sneer filled his face. "But imagine my surprise when they don't say anything about you or that retard of a boy Hunter."
"He'a not a re-"
"Did I say you could talk?" He spat out tightening his grip further. Causing pain to shoot up my arm. "N-n-no sir" I said fighting back tears. He hates it if I cry. It only makes him more angry.
"Exactly, but that's the interesting thing I discovered you both suddenly have a new guardian, a Mr Blackbourne I believe. Now do you see where I'm going I mean honestly who would want a whore and a brat like you. I certainly don't but I think if I sold you I would get a pretty penny. With the green eyes and blonde hair you got from your mother people would snatch you up before they realised there was something wrong with you." He chuckled letting go of my arm and starting to pace around the room. His suit jacket swinging as his legs and arms moved in synch. " But now I can't do that!" He yelled grabbing the end of the bed making it shake. I cowered back into the pillow scared of what he was going to do. "Because I no longer have any access to you or your half wit of a brother because you can't obey simple rules your step mother put in place. So now I'm two children down and have no money at all for it. Where else am I going to from. Certainly not Marie. Where Sang, where do you think." He yelled rocking the bed his face going slightly red as he ranted on. The veins in his neck standing to attention. Fear and confusion ran through me. What did he mean sell me. To who? Can you do that? Trembles racked through me he can't take me. What would happen to Hunter.
" Oh, I forgot you're too uneducated to think, aren't I right Sang, just wait. One day I will get back your guardian ship and then your going to make me rich!" He stated laughing as if he had said the funniest thing in the world. I let out a whimper of fear I didn't want to leave. I wanted him to go and leave like he did after he abandoned Hunter with us.
"Excuse me" came a voice through the door. "Patient visiting hours are over I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The doctor said looking down at his clip board.
"Sorry" Sir said " I hadn't realised. Bye munchkin hope you feel better!" He said giving me a sickly sweet smile that chilled me to the bone. As he loped out the room a bounce in his step the Doctor looked over at me.
"Are you ok?" He asked looking me over pausing slightly on the new bruise forming on my arm.
My bottom lip began to tremble and the tears that had been threatening to fall finally did.
"Hey it's ok" The doctor said moving over to comfort me gently rubbing my back careful to miss the welts. "Sean is on his way don't worry." He murmured.

Sean's POV

After we had finished eating we all sat around discussing what to do next with Hunter and Sang as Kota played with a toy car on Hunters tray keeping him entertained. We already had their guardianship moved to me and Owen we just had to decide where they should stay.
"They could stay with us and uncle. We have plenty of room for Hunter to play and run around and there would be enough of us for the after care of Sang when she's released" encouraged Luke with North nodding along with him.
"I suppose we could but-"
Kota was cut off by my beeper going off. Looking down I saw it was from Phil.
"Owen did you authorise Sang to have a visitor?" I asked glancing up at his now stoney expression as worry caused me to frown.
"No why?" He demanded starting to get up.
"She has one now!" I stated already getting up with the rest of the boys as we all moved in time to get her room quickly.
When we arrived after walking through the endless twists and turns in the hallways the sight caused my heart to break. Sang was crying her eyes out on Phil as he comforted her. We had to find out what had happened. "Mr Morgan find out who was in here" demanded Owen.

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