Tantrum time

939 91 14

Owen's POV
"We need to move Sang as soon as possible!" I stated looking around the hospital room meeting each of the boys eyes to gage their reaction. "She has been through enough we can't have her exposed to more events that could further reduce her mental stability."
"And Hunter needs consistency being in the hospital so often is ruining any chance we have of giving him a clear routine to follow."
Kota added in.
All eyes turned to the small boy playing quietly on the bed with his toy cars North had given to him.
Kota had a fair point it was past 9 o'clock and the boy was still a bundle of energy.
"I think that's more to do with the amount of sugar in his system due to Luke and Doc more than anything!" North stated glaring at the two men in question. I gave a slight nod. He wasn't wrong. And with the smirk on Luke's face he knew it too.
"I think the safest thing to do at this moment in time is to move them in with Mr Taylor they're is plenty of room for Hunter to play but also enough room for us to alternate between who watches over them at night! Any objections"
Victor glanced around the room "Would it not be safer if we were to move them around even for just a bit, would keeping them in one place not make it easier for the intruder to find?"
"That's a great idea if we can move them in a random order it would be significantly harder for anyone to trace them" nodding along as Sean talked I mulled over the idea. It would definitely work in our favour especially with how smart the intruder seemed to be. Seeing as he managed to infiltrate the academy hospital with minimal difficulty.
"But what about Hunter?" I glanced at North." No kid should have to constantly move around he needs something to keep him grounded"
Once again North had a strong argument. Looking at the slight glaze in his eyes I could see he was talking from past experience with his father.
Silas sighed" We can't have my apartment as part of this I don't want Hunter influenced by Theo" Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Okay we will leave yours out when we do a timetable" 
"Me, me, me" called Hunter bouncing up on the bed reaching to North.
"In a minute Hunter let us finish our talk first, sit back down" Kota said pushing his cars back towards him.
"But, play!" Hunter murmured holding the cars out to our group.
"Hunter sweetie leave them to talk" Sang softly said as she slow began to wake looking around the hospital room her eyes unfocused.
"No now" demanded Hunter his eyes flaring almost daring us to retaliate.
"Hunter" I said in warning looking him directly in the eyes." If you keep this up I will take those cars away from you and make you sit in time out do you understand me!"
Hunter looked at me his eyes glancing to the other boys as if waiting for them to speak up, almost immediately his arms started to relax and he dropped his gaze. When no one spoke up he plonked down on the bed and started to play with his cars again. Sang reached out and softly began to pet his hair.
"What were you talk-" Hunter knocked her hand off his head and pouted grumbling "No!" Sang glanced at him looking taken back by his behaviour.
"Hunter" I warned glancing at Doctor Green who seemed equally as baffled. He had never behaved like this before.
Hunter let out a screech of annoyance throwing his black monster truck across the room narrowly missing Silas.
"That's it" North stalked across the room to Hunter and collected all the cars ignoring Hunter as he began to cry and scream hitting the bed, while trying to hit North. I let out a sigh and swooped Hunter up into my arms and walked the tantruming child out the room.
" Hunter" I said crouching down to his level "Listen to me right now!" I calmly stated, grabbing his arms to prevent him hitting me.
"You did not listen to the warning that I gave to you, you hit North, threw your cars and you were rude to your sister so now you are going in time out you will sit in the corner for 2 minutes and will think about what you have done. Do I make myself clear!" Hunter pouted looking everywhere but at me. "Do I make myself clear Hunter!"
"Yeah" he mumbled his eyes welling up. I walked him over to the corner of the waiting room and turned a chair to face the wall them seated Hunter in the chair.
Moving away I set a timer on my phone for two minutes and waited. Not even 30 seconds in Hunter leapt off the chair and tried to run. Grabbing a hold of him I calmly placed him back in the chair ignoring his screaming and reset the timer.
Hunter kicked the wall repeatedly and threw himself on the floor. I sighed picking him up and placing him back in the chair. The nurse on duty walked past giving me a sympathetic look and a small chuckle. "Do you need a hand?"she asked glancing at Hunter as he made a run for it again. Picking him up and shook my head. "No thank you" I politely declined.
After 4 more foiled escape attempts Hunter finally sat in the chair for the 2 minutes. I walked over to the chair and crouched to his level.
"Hunter I put you on time out because you threw your cars, hit North and you were rude to your sister" Hunter nodded his head as his crying came to a stop. "Now I want you to say sorry to me for trying to run off and being naughty"
Hunter let out a sniffle looking up at me. "I-I Sowwy" he said wiping his eyes.
"Good boy now give me a hug" I praised. Hunter leapt into the hug holding on for dear life, as I wrapped my arms around his tiny body, letting out the occasional sniffle. "Now you're going to say sorry to everyone ok" I said looking at him. Hunter nodded his head still buried in my shoulder. Walking back into the room all eyes immediately turned to Hunter who shyly looked out from my neck.
"I sowwy" he apologised laying his head back down. Everyone glanced at me before expressing their forgiveness to Hunter. Sean let out a small laugh making me glance at the small boy, just in time to see his eyes began drooping as he lay on my shoulder.
I chuckled to myself as I looked at the little blond boy someone is almost as grumpy as north when he's tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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