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Sorry for the delay and how short it is I have a dance exam so have been practicing all week. Will update more on Monday. Xxx

Sang's PoV

Muffled voices swam through my head as though I was underwater.
"I think... Broken... Worried...Internal bleeding"
I let out a loud groan. I hurt everywhere and the floor is wet I don't like it. Mustering up all my effort I try to open my eyes. Feeling my eyelids flutter but never open.
After what seems like 4 attempts with no luck I slowly felt myself falling back into the black. I'm too tired. At least the pain was going away.
As I slowly a floated out, a small voice broke through the black.
Using the last of my strength I pushed through finally opening my eyes.

"There you are "came a soft voice. Looking over to the voice I saw a man with curly hair and bright green eyes beaming down at me while studying my face and reactions. But in the back of his eyes I could see a shadow of worry I constantly see in my own.
"Are you ok? Is there pain anywhere?" He questioned looking over me. But no matter how worried he was a huge smile pulled on his face as Hunter looked down at me frowning in concentration.
"Sissy okay?" He asked reaching out to poke my face like he always did to check I was awake. Mere inches from my face a hand shot out engulfing his small hand.
"Don't move her little one we don't want to do more damage do we?" Came a soft accented voice.
"I'm ok" I mumbled, not meaning a word of it. I was in so much pain. I felt my eyes closing again but I fought hard to keep them open. I needed to stay awake.
"Come on little man you can come with me to wait for the ambulance while doc looks after your sister!"  Opening my eyes again I look up at the boy from across the street. What were they doing in the house. I watched helplessly as the boy lead Hunter up the stairs and down the hall making sure to avoid his injured arm.
Mother was going to be so mad. Wait an ambulance! No no that meant the hospital I can't go there.
"No hospital!" I squeaked, if mother found out she would do so much worse than she has done.
"You fucking have to go to the bloody hospital you have fallen down a whole flight of stairs you could die if you don't get treated for Christ's sake!" Boomed a voice from near the stairs. Startling me from my inner panic making me jump slightly. The small action caused pain to shoot over the whole of my body. A small gasp forced its way out of my throat. The Man or Doc as they called him reached out to stop me moving.

"Gabriel calm down your not helping" reprimanded the green eyed doctor. Even if he does look to young to be a doctor. "Now where hurts the most and don't lie to me" he quizzed looking deep into my eyes. Never breaking the eye contact as a strained silence fell over the basement.
"My back" I mumbled giving in to the doctors orders. I was in too much pain to care about what Mother would do I just wanted it to go away.
"Okay where abouts?" He asked his voice distorting.
Before it all went black.

Sean's POV

"Shit" I shouted as she passed out again.
Reaching out I felt her pulse it was getting weaker. We can't lose her she is obviously the only one that cared for the young boy. He was too young to have to go through this alone. I hate whoever did this to them.
This isn't good.
Sirens sounded throughout the house thank god music to my ears. They were here.
"Gabe call them down here" I asked securing her head in a neck brace.

"Hurry down here" yelled Gabriel.

I continued to monitor the girls vitals. Her heart rate kept spiking and then slowing down it was not good. I can't see anything that stands out to me as being the cause of her heart rate spiking.
Wait she said her back hurt. Looking towards her torso I saw more blood leaking slowly out from beside her. This wasn't good she was loosing too much blood.
Running footsteps filled the house as the academy paramedics filed down the stairs.
"Guys she's loosing too much blood" I yelled. Everyone jumped into action we have to stop the bleeding or we will lose her.

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