Hunter's Fear

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As Hunter trembled I pulled his small body against my legs wrapping my arms around him.
"It's going to be okay, I'll keep you safe baby boy" I whispered into his damp hair as the smell of the Apple shampoo trickled up my nose.
Turning round I turned off the warm water that pounded down on us from above.
Ignoring the pain in my back I carried Hunter out the bath and wrapped us both in a towel and began to dry him off. A small smile played on his face as I vigorously rubbed him with his towel.
When he was all dried I dressed him in the small sleep clothes left out by Marie, that were dark blue and showed striped animals in sleep clothes too. He looked so cute and sleepy as he smiled up at me.
Mustering all my courage I smiled down at him pulling him into a huge hug before opening the bathroom door. Time to face Mother.
Before I had even fully opened the door it was shoved in, the force driving me back into the bathroom almost knocking me completely off my feet. Mothers beady gaze roamed the room looking for anything that was out of place before landing on Hunter. A wicked sneer pulled at her round face as she grabbed Hunters small wrist and yanked him away from me.
"No please" I yelled reaching for him, "leave him out of this it was all my fault".

Kota's PoV
Looking through the file Victor sent me on the iPad I frown. This can't be right none of the pictures match the girl I saw in the lower window. The only daughter had the same mousy brown hair and dull brown eyes as her mother. She was so different to Marie and the mother. Maybe I had seen a friend who was visiting. No that can't be right not with the mothers attitude.
But most of all what doesn't make sense is the little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes in a family with brown hair and brown eyes. None of this was adding up.
Sending another text to Victor I asked him too look deeper into the family. I needed answers! Something was off about that woman.
Putting down the iPad I sighed in frustration before fixing my glasses. Pushing up to my feet from my desk chair I move over to the window seat facing the new family's house. Looking down in the window I let out a breath before doing a double take I could just about see those green eyes looking out at the street again. She was defiantly there but I didn't have a good enough angle to see what she looked like properly.
Rushing down the stairs to my living room I dodged couch and made my way to the window that looked across at the house. There she was. I had a perfect view.
Anger rippled through me as I saw her tear streaked face and bright red cheek. A hand print stood out prominent against her pale skin and red welts stood out from the shoulder that was bared by the dress.
That was it. Before I knew what I was doing my phone was ringing to Mr Blackbourne.
"Kota report!"

Sang's PoV

I gasped my hand raising to my now stinging cheek.
"What did you just say to me?" Mother screamed. Before slapping me once again. My head Turing slightly to the left from the force of the blow.
"Get down to the basement I don't want to see your ungrateful face until I come down for your punishment."
Rushing past her I glanced back at Hunter clutching the towel around my torso. Hunter's pale, tear soaked face looked back at my breaking my heart into little pieces.
I have to do this I can't have him hurt because of me. Stupid, worthless little me.
Rushing down the stairs as I clutched my throbbing cheek I nearly tripped as dizziness overtook me. Grabbing the rail I steadied myself I swayed slightly from side to side. Walking slower, I made my way over to my box pulled on a dress covered with squares that sat slightly off my shoulder giving my sore back a break. Tears slowly caressed my cheeks as I remembered Hunters fear. Gazing out the window as the sun began to set I waited in dread of when mother would next come down and visit.

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