Continue Alex Bishop and the North Side Detectives

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     After breakfast Alex said a hasty goodbye to his parents and Lyn, picked up his school bag and headed out the door.  He thought the bag pack was a necessary cover for what the group was really doing.  Fletch and Lee met Alex about a half a block from his house and together, they ran the nearly six blocks to the library, through wet fallen leaves that densely covered the sidewalk.

     It had rained the night before and the skies were dark gray overhead, as if threatening to do it again.  Dawn was waiting for the on the steps as the boys came panting into view.  She waited impatiently while they caught their breath, then led the way into the building.  Dawn immediately sought out a free computer and sat down.

     The boys pulled chairs from a nearby table and took seat around her.  Dawn logged on.  She then typed in:  Criminal cases, superior court 1.  "We need a date," she said, scowling at the machine.  "My dad said that the board wouldn't have let Mr. Wells continue to teach if they thought he was guilty.  So obviously he was teaching at North Side when he was arrested."  Alex said, looking at the screen.

     "So we need to know when Mr. Wells began teaching at North Side...."  Dawn said, her face screwed up in concentration...."I've got it!" she squealed, reaching into her bag at her feet.  She fumbled around for a few moments and then pulled out her cell, and punched a key.  The boys gave her curious looks, but didn't say anything.

     "Hi Mom........."Yeah, we're at the library.  Hey, do you know when Mr. Wells started teaching at North Side?........."I'll tell you later, okay?........." Same year you did.  Okay, thanks Mom......."Yeah, I'll be home at five.  Love you bye."  Dawn said, shoving her cell roughly back into her bag.

     "So, it's a ten year old murder case.  So, that would make the date of trial, around 2007."  She said, looking at the boys.  "Try it!"  Alex said excitedly.  Alex couldn't help admiring Dawn's abilities as she typed in the information, while looking over her shoulder.  "Oh, dear!"  Dawn wailed.  "What?"  The boys chimed, alarmed; looking at the screen.

     "Whew!  It's okay,...." Dawn said, taking a deep breath...."I thought the computer froze up for a minute there."  "Don't do that again."  Fletch said.  Dawn gave him a stern look.  "Here it is!"  She said proudly, sitting back in her chair with her arms folded. The boys leaned in and peered at the screen.  It was front page news.

     August 10, 2007

     by;  Dale Smith

     Mr. Otis Wells of 1200 Cedar Street, teacher of American history at North Side middle school was arrested at his home on Friday night,  the 9th of August.  His arrest was made after an investigation by city detectives, regarding the murder of Mr. Wells' neighbor, Mr. Benjamin Pile. 

    Mr. Wells and Mr. Pile had had a long-time friendship and were partners in a high end, retail men's store here in town twenty years ago.  The store, nor the friendship was in operation at the time of Mr. Pile's death.  The police believe that Mr. Wells struck Mr. Pile on the head with a blunt instrument, upon entering his residence.

     Mr. Wells' fingerprints were on the weapon, and he had no credible alibi at the time of the murder.  And no alibi witness came forward to speak in his behalf.  Trial is set for August 22, this year.

     When they had finished reading, they stared at each other for a moment.  Then Alex shook his head, trying to clear it.  "My Dad said he was cleared of all charges.  So there must be an article about that."  Dawn nodded and went back to the keys.  "Okay, the date of trial was the twenty second 2007, right?"  " Right."  Fletch said shyly.  Dawn smiled at him, which made his face turn red.  "Let's just take a stab at the twenty fourth."  She said with a shrug.  In a moment, she said, "Here we go!"

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