Continue Alex Bishop and the North Side Detectives

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                                                                                       Chapter 20

                                                                                The Plot Thickens

     Alex had a smug look on her face as he came back through the family room door with snacks in hand.  "We don't have to worry about Lyndell bothering us today."  "Good,"  Dawn said in relief.  "We still ought to check outside the door once in a while, just in case."  Lee cautioned.  The others nodded in agreement.

     Meanwhile, outside the back door Lyndell, Amy, Nikki and Michael were plotting quietly.  Lyn put her index finger to her mouth and Led them silently into the kitchen and down the hallway.  The four of them crouched close to the family room door, listening hard to the conversation going on inside.

     "So we meet tomorrow at nine o'clock pm."  Alex said eagerly.  "What excuse are we going to use for leaving the house at that hour?"  Sam asked with furrowed brows.  Alex suddenly looked uncomfortable.  "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I felt pretty guilty about lying the last time with all that "I'm sick stuff."

     "But, I have an idea and we don't have to lie to our parents."  Alex said with a crooked grin.  "I can't wait to hear this."  Fletch said gaping at him.  "Well, Mr. Wells told me after the "Bomb Caper" that we should feel free to ask for his help if we needed it."  Everyone gaped at him now.  "So...." Alex went on, "I think we should tell him about the suspicious guys at the tower and how we think they're up to no good, and that we want him to go with us."

     "What if he says no?"  Dawn asked him.  "Then I'll remind him of his promise to me to help,"  Alex said simply.  "But I don't think he will say no."  Alex said confidently.  "Well then, we'd better go see him today,"  Lee said, getting to his feet and thinking that Alex's plan had no chance.  "We can try I guess,"  Nick put in.

     "Let's go."  Fletch said, walking to the door.  Lyn, Michael, Nikki and Amy gaped at each other. "You're brother's nuts."  Michael said rolling his eyes.  "Sometimes," Lyn agreed in an whisper.  "They're coming out.  Let's go!"  she added, and she and her friends crept quickly down the hallway and out the back door.

     So the young detectives set off for Mr. Wells' house.  Lyn decided to wait until Alex, Lee and Fletch came back to the house later to find out what the plans were for tomorrow night.  When the group arrived at their destination, Alex rapped on the door.  Mr. Wells appeared within a few moments.  "Well, hello,"  Mr. Wells said in surprise and with a little trepidation.   His diminutive friends had never shown up on his doorstep before unless they were in a bit of trouble.

     "Come on in,"  Mr. Wells said, ushering them all in with a wave of his hand.  Would anyone like a soft drink?   I also have some cookies that Mrs. Books brought over this morning."  "I'd like some of those,"  Fletch said at once.  Mr. Wells chuckled.  "Everyone have a seat and I'll be back in a minute."  Alex and the others nodded and took seats on the comfortable sofas.

     When Mr. Wells returned he held a tray of soft drinks and a plate piled high with chocolate cookies.  Fletch didn't hesitate taking a handful of Mrs. Books tasty treats.  Glenna rolled her eyes at him and the others laughed.   Mr. Wells set the tray on the coffee table between the sofas and Alex and the rest helped themselves.

     Mr. Wells pickup a napkin, a cookie and the cup of coffee he'd made for himself and sat down in an easy chair facing the teenagers.  "Okay, let's hear it,"  Mr. Wells said with a sly look.  "Well, it's like this sir,"  Alex started.  "That makes me nervous when you start a sentence with "Sir," Alex."   Alex grinned at him, swallowed his cookie and then made his request.

     "Well, it's like this Mr. Wells...."  And Alex told him what he and his friends had discovered while at the shack and the tower.  When he was through, Mr. Wells were wide and he seemed to be speechless.  At least for the moment.  He took a swig of coffee and then then spoke in that soft intimidating voice of his.

     "And just where do I fit into this situation?  he asked, glaring at Alex.  "Well, you did tell me not too long ago that if I ever needed your help, all I had to do was ask,"  Alex said boldly.  Mr. Wells just sat staring  blankly at him, and taking another sip of coffee.  Alex and his friends waited warily for him to speak.

     "I did say that.  And I meant it.  But Alex, you don't know that those men were doing anything wrong."  Mr. Wells said leaning forward in his chair.  "I just know they're up to no good sir.  Call it a gut feeling. That's why we want to go back tomorrow night and see if they come back and stake them out, and we want you to go with us,"  Alex said, pleading with him.

     Mr. Wells sighed deeply.  "Well, at least you're not sneaking out windows this time,"  he said, staring at each of them in turn.  Alex and the others were suddenly feeling hopeful.  "I'll tell you what, I'll go with you...."  Alex had to stop himself from whooping with glee.  "But I am in charge, okay?  There will be no heroics!  We leave anything like that to the police.  Agreed?" 

     "Agreed."  They all chimed.  "Thank you Mr. Wells,"  Alex said sincerely.  His friends all voiced   a "Thanks" also.  "What time is this....stakeout to take place?"  Mr. Wells asked, taking another sip of coffee.  "Nine o'clock tomorrow night."  Alex answered.  "I guess I could tell your parents...."  he again looked around into everyone's faces. ...."That I was taking you on a field trip to a couple of historic places down town."  Everyone laughed and Alex beamed at him. 

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