Continue Alex Bishop and the North Side Detectives

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                                                                                      Chapter 10                                                                          

                                                                                The Mad Bomber

     The next day everyone in the school and nearly everybody in town knew of Mr. Wells' vindication regarding the murder of Mr. Benjamin Pile; and of Alex and his friends involvement in the case.  After reading the news article, (that detective promised would appear in the paper as soon as possible) the parents of the four students were proud, naturally, but stunned that their children had managed to keep such a big secret.

     Mr. Wells was bragging on Alex, Lee, Dawn, Fletch to anyone that would listen.  And the press wanted an interview with,( who they were dubbing,) The North Side Detectives as soon as possible.  Non of the amateur sleuths had inflated egos and took all of the attention they received humbly.

     Lyn was quick to ask Alex when she, Michael, Amy and Nikki could join up.  Alex laughed it off, but he knew Lyn wasn't kidding, and would keep after him about it.

     About a week after the story broke, Alex, Dawn, Lee and Fletch were sitting at the picnic table in the park two streets over from Alex's house.  Dawn had brought the newspaper with her.  With all that had happened to them as a result of the article, the interviews and friends popping in at all times of the day, the four of them hadn't had a chance to read it.  The North Side Detectives had made the front page.

     by:  Andy Roe

          An unsolved Murder case has finally been put to rest.  Mr. Benjamin Pile was murdered on August 9th in the year 2007, at his home on Cedar Street.  Mr. Otis Wells, a teacher at North Side middle school was arrested, tried and acquitted of that murder; which meant that the "real" killer was still at-large.  Recent evidence,( a more clear description of a man seen on Mr. Pile's doorstep that night) given by Miss Scarlet Weems, sister of Mr. Otis Wells, led to the arrest of a Mr. Craig Bowls,( a disgruntled employee of Mr. Pile's manufacturing company, who had been fired for theft) who admitted to killing Mr. Pile at his home using the base of a desk lamp as a weapon.

     Four North Side students are being credited along with Miss Weems for "Cracking the Case" by tracking down clues and witnesses.  These four students are:  Alex Bishop, Dawn Marks, Lee Martin and Fletcher Clark.  They are to be commended for their valiant efforts to achieve justice for Benjamin Pile and the complete vindication of their teacher Mr. Otis Wells.  Good work North Side Detectives!

     "It's a nice article isn't it?"  Dawn said smiling down at it.  "It was sure cool doing it."  Lee said, nodding at her.  "It was cool doing it together."  Fletch said grinning at him.  Alex gave them all a big grin.  "Adventure is cool.  I've been trying to convince my Mom of that for years."  "What about your dad?"  Fletch asked.  "Oh, he already knows."  Alex said with a wink.


      When Alex, Dawn, Lee and Fletch's grades were handed to them in June,  all of them had passed into the 8th grade, and even with all their work on the Wells' case, all passed with good marks.  As always, Dawn and her friend Glenna made the principal's honor roll, along with Alex.  Matt and Sam, Fletch's brothers were now in the ninth grade.  And their friend Nicholas was also.

     Alex and his friends spent a good deal of the summer vacation at Simonton Lake, boating and swimming.  They also visited Mrs. Books on a regular basis and enjoyed feasting on her home baked cookies.  Mrs. Books was writing her first book, a story based on Mr. Wells' arrest, trial and acquittal.  So he was often over at her house also eating cookies, having tea, while being interviewed by his friend.

     Scarlet was keeping regular company with Joshua Bern, the 7th grade math teacher.  Mr. Wells had become a very protective older brother.  But he had no problem with this relationship between his sister and Mr. Bern.  He liked and respected him.  Mr. Wells invited Mr. Bern to play poker with some renewed friends of his and Mr. Bern graciously accepted.

     Fletch and Glenna were still inseparable, except when Glenna and her parents along with her best friend Dawn took their annual trip to Florida the last two weeks of summer break.  Alex and Lee couldn't wait until the girls returned.  Not only because, as Lee said, he was kind of used to having Glenna and Dawn around, but mostly because he and Alex were weary of Fletch's moaning and irritable attitude while Glenna was gone.

     Often it was just Alex and Lee hanging out together, either because Fletch was in such a bad mood that they didn't want to be around him, or when he was spending hours on the phone with Glenna.  "I just don't see what all the fuss is about girls.  I mean Glenna's alright cause she's just one of the guys, but I'd rather be with my friends."  He ended this sentence by folding his arms and characteristically rolling his eyes.

     Alex chuckled.  "But Fletch doesn't just see Glenna as one of the guys; which is why he's so miserable.  I mean, not everyone is a confirmed bachelor like us."  Lee just shook his head at him.  Alex didn't tell Lee what his father had once told him; that one day there would be separations due to girls, college and other unforeseen things; and that he, Lee and Fletch might have to be buddies long distance.








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