Controlling Your Energy

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I have gotten a request to awaken your powers, and of course, this will include meditation. I don't think you would consider this a spell, more like training. I do this myself. I know this is a spell book but for me I tend to have more of an outcome from using my energy and nothing more. I do use sigils if I feel like it would be better, but I charge them with my energy.


1. Get comfortable. You can sit or lay down. You can even do this when you are standing or walking

2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths. 

3. I am terrible at descriptions. But when you feel relaxed and like your body is asleep without the pain (like tingly) then visualize your energy. Visualize the source of it. (different for everyone. I visualize my lungs filling with energy when I inhale and it spreading through out my body when I exhale. Some people visualize their heart being the source of energy when it beats)

4. Concentrate on feeling your energy. Is it warm? Cold? Where is it the strongest? Weakest?

5. Move it throughout your body. I concentrate on it all going to my right hand, then moving it up my arm, across my chest, down my other arm, and into my left hand. Then I concentrate on going to my legs and other parts of my body. See if you can bring it all to one hand and project out directly into your other hand.

Don't be frustrated if you don't get this on the first time. I would say this is beginner level of magick. So it won't take too long to learn to control your energy. In no time you will be able to awaken your energy with just the thought. And yes, you can do this while listening to music if it will help you tune out any noise from your surroundings. 

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