Part 4

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Part 4 ~ Fated Mates

Cindy coughed into her hand, but Alpha Jared was the first to speak, "Of course you're not sweetheart.  We only want help look out for your and help you adapt to this word.  Times are different they once were. We are open and know to the humans. There are always disagreements and dominance show, but nothing like the wars we once had. Some paranormal groups get along better than others and some are rivals or not on friendly terms with others.  "He finished and I wanted to believe him but there was something else going on.

"I'm grateful you care, and I will stay for a while to learn more about this world and the dangers.  I just want you to understand though, that I make no promises about staying indefinitely.  Someone or something drew me to this world, and I will find it.  I have a strong connection here that I don't understand. I think that is why the veil opened here, but it's not hole yet" I said willing them to understand my meaning.  Nothing would keep me from whatever had this hold on me, on my heart. Although thinking about it now that scene of being home felt right and the pull is lessened. Maybe simply being in this realm made it so.  It felt so much stronger in the Fae realm or it could be I was still drained from the journey.

"Of course, dear and we understand.  All paranormal regardless of the species feel a connection in one way or another. For shifters it the pull of a mate and also the instincts of our animals."  Claire said coming up beside me and putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you for understanding.  This is all just so new to me and well I not really sure what I'm doing.  All I know is that I had nothing in my world keeping me there.  I had one friend who I'll miss terrible. This feeling started when I reached puberty which for a Fae is thirteen. Ever sense then I have had this overwhelming urge to come here."  It was good to know they understood what I meant, although I know it might not be the same.  "Do you think I could walk around outside and get my bearings a little?"  I did not want to me around a lot of people in case my Fae magic came out.   It felt silly because I didn't know what they were, but I know I couldn't chance trying anything in the house around others just yet.

"Yes, certainly.  You should get to know your way around and to know the boarders of our territory, so you don't wander onto someone else land.  We don't want to chance you being hurt or abducted.  Matt and Josh can show you around, answer any questions you might have and guard you."

I'm not sure what to make of this pack.  Sure, they are nice, but I always thought that wolves did not tolerate intruders on their lands.  Have things really changes that much I wondered? "Ok, thanks guys I appreciate it a lot.  Do you have a coat I could use? It's is colder in this realm then the Fae realm?"  

"Sure, come with me and we will get you one of mine to use.  It should fit your just fine." Cindy offers and I get up to walk with her upstairs. She starts asking me about what the realm of the Fae is like. "Ok, Cindy do not talk her ears off. She still needs to eat. Chloe are eggs, bacon, toast and home fries, ok?"  The Luna asks and I stop to answer her it would be great.

Cindy and I continued on and I confessed, "The foods your mother was talking about. I've never had them. Fae food if different all of which are plant based" Cindy laughed and when on to explain as best she could about the animal produced foods here.

Meanwhile Down Stairs

"What were you two thinking with those comments about her not leaving" Jared said using his Alpha voice ensuring an answer.

The twins looked at each other than to their father.  "Dad she is our mate.  I don't know how or why a mate to both of us," Matt said, and his brother Josh nodded in agreement.

"My babies have found their mate finally," Claire said walking over to her sons and kissing their foreheads.  "Oh, but wait how can you both be her mates" she said turning to look at her husband.

"Honestly honey I am not sure. I have never heard anything like this.  The only time I have seen anything like this is when a mate is rejected and one or both gets a second change mate.  That is extremely rate.  Are you both sure she is your mate?" Jared asked his sons; he had a puzzling expression on his face.

"Does this mean that your sons will have to fight for the Alpha position and for the right to have Chloe as their mate?  I have never heard of a pack having two Alphas before." Scott the Beta asked.

"Sons lessen to me I want each of you to be on your best behavior and try not to fight.  You must each get to know your mate, spend time with her and let her get to know you.  Be careful though you might just scare your little mate if you don't watch yourselves.  I think she knows more than she is telling us.  However, I don't think she is a threat." Matt and Josh heard their father speak to them in private communication.

"We understand dad and while I know wolves are territorial and protective of their mates, but I don't feel the need to protect Chloe from Josh because I know he feels the same way about our mate. I'm not threatened by the realization that he will have a relationship with her because I know I will too."  Matt said

"I feel the same way brother" Josh said and hearing each of his sons speak Jared relaxed a little.  Although the situation was strange and unheard of its didn't mean there would be a problem.

Just then, the all hear Chloe coming down the stairs with her coat in hand. Matt and Josh both looked at her feeling content, by the mate pull. She was so beautiful and had a smile that lit up the room. She walks back over and sits down again in-between the twins.

Chloe glances at the brothers and blushed but didn't know why.   Ann walked over with a plate. Chloe looks at it and her smile fades. "I am sorry I'm not sure if can eat animal meat" She stated feeling nauseous.  Ann looks down at her appearing confused. Cindy who has just sat down said, "Chloe asked when we went upstairs what food you were talking about. They only eat plant-based foods. Nothing used by or produced by animal."   Chloe looks up at the people now staring at her and lowered her head. " I'm so sorry for the miscommunication. I did not know what you were talking about when you mentioned what was for breakfast. We do not have these animals in the Fae realm. Fae diets are only vegetables and fruits and even those look different then what I have seen here". Chloe had tears in my eyes and feeling like a fool.

Chairs scrap across the floors as the twin men next to her stand up.  "Don't you worry about a thing Chloe, there are so many things we all need to learn about each other."  Matt says as Josh grabs the plate and bring it to the island. Cindy also jumped up and was heading to the refrigerator and is asks " Do you like carrots, cucumbers, strawberries, and bananas? She pulled them all out and begin to wash them and put them on a plate before I could answer.  Matt walks over and help her. Together they have a new plate in front on me in a couple of minutes. Long enough for me to tell them about a Fae's diet.  They are all so warm and caring that another wave of happiness come over me and the scene of feeling like I am home.

After we eat Ann grabs the plates and I start to help. The twins stop me and say, "where ready when you are to give you the grad tour."  Both Josh and Matt say together, and I laugh. I got up from the kitchen table and walked to the living room to meet them pulling on the warm coat Cindy let me borrow.

Matt and Josh smile as they take her on a tour of their territory and her new home if they had anything to say about it.

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