Part 2

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Part 2 ~ A New World

All I could remember of passing through the vail was a blue and white light.  Of feeling warmth and strangely safe, even though I didn't know what was going on.  The next thing I was waking up on the cold ground.  Staring up into a sky, I did not know.  I lifted my head slowly as a waive if dizziness hit me.  I decided moving just yet was not a good idea, so I laid back down. Then slowly looked to my left and right.  So many trees surrounded me.   After several minutes the dizziness stops.  I sat up and look around.  Night was starting to fall and the air was getting cooler.  In the distance, I heard a wolf howl and several answer.

"Well Chloe, you finally made it.  Now begins the hard part" I said to myself.  Carefully I stood and began to gather branches and sticks to make a fire.  I would need to stay warm and keep the animals in this realm at bay.  A fire seemed the best solution for both issues. The Fae realm was much warmer. Unlike the human realm what depending on where you where it could be hot or cold or a mix from night to day.

Not soon after, I had a little fire going and had gathered some dry leaves to us as a bed.  Walking over to me bag left on the ground, I pulled out a red blanket.  It was just enough to cover me. I sat down gazing into the fire.  I was tired and the magic I used had taken more out of me than I had expected. I should have anticipated that. It was like a muscle not used for a long time and left me weak.  My eyelids grew heavy.  I wondered what my Fae gifts would be and when I would find out. Not much was remembered about our people's life in the human world that was historically accurate. It seemed my people only remember why they retreated to the Fae realm in the first place. That was my last through as sleep overtook me.

Meanwhile about three miles away the wolfs that had called to each other gathered around in their fur and spoke through the packs mind link.  A large black wolf stepped into the circle of wolves.  "Scott and Adam, you come with me.  I want to check out the north border where a strange blue light was seen coming from.  Matt, Josh you go back to the pack and make sure everything is ok there.  I want you to stand guard until you hear from me."  You could hear the authority in the wolfs voice and knew that he was an Alpha.

The large wolf watched as his two sons did as they were told, returning to the pack. He could tell Matt and Josh were not happy about being sent back and they could not go to investigate.  He was just happy they did not say anything. They knew he only had the packs best interest at heart. An Alpha's job was to look out for his pack always.  One of them would be the next pack, Alpha.  Once again, the older wolf wondered who it would be Josh or Matt, but knowing his sons either would be a great fit for the role.

"They'll find their mates soon Alpha Jared.  You have taught them both well and either one will make a fine Alpha for the pack someday."  Scott his current Beta and his best friend said using their mental link.

"I know they are both strong, and loyal to the pack.  They also understand the being twins they both have the potential to be Alpha. The one who finds their mate first will take my place.  For now, they will both share the Alpha duties."  Jared sighed thinking that time passed too quickly. That it was just yesterday his mate gave birth to his sons. In just a few days the twins would be returning to school.  A Paranormal only Academy IPA or Interspecies Paranormal Academy.  "Come on I want to make sure we have no rogues on our lands about to cause trouble."  Leading Jared took off in the direction of the strange light followed closely by Scott and Adam his third in command.

They raced through the woods, but as they get closer, they saw a small fire dying out.   They smelled someone.  "Alpha, it smells like a human is nearby.  Do you want me to shift and see who it is?"  Adam the alpha's third asked.

"No, I'll shift.  You and Scott stay close, but out of sight.  I don't know why this human is on our lands, but I do not want them seeing wolves and them telling the towns around us about it.  That is the last thing we need. They might send hunters thinking that wolves were so close to town."  Jared said walking into the brush shifting as he did so.  It was a good thing they had stashes of cloths all over the pack lands.  He pulled on a pair of shorts.  Sometimes while running patrols a wolf would have to shift in case, they met up with a human.

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