Part 10

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Chapter 10 ~ Pissed off & a Snuggle

Josh and Matt both looked at their phones at the same time. They both stood up. They chair both flew back. The dining room grew silent. Emily looked up at them in concerned. Aaron and Ryan each stood also and took the phones if the guy's hand. They ready the message and started to growl just like they were.

"Listen up" Matt yelled, and all eyes turned to them. Some people even shrunk back into themselves. Aaron and Ryan passed the phones to Sam and Zack for them to read. Once they had they stood as well.

"What they fuck." Sam's wind magic around his stated to whip around.

"That beautiful woman who was sitting with us is my mate." Matt spoke matter of fact and hear the gaps throughout the room. He continued "She is also Josh's mate and Malcom's mate, and we will not tolerate anyone harming her or speaking badly about her"

"If you have a problem with this keep it to your fucking selves or you can answer to us" Josh spoke with menacing tone eyeing the small group of people on campus spread through.

Sam pulled Emily into his arms and Zack took her other hand. "This stunning woman is our mate and I'll give you the same warning." Sam said. Emily was looking at the phone Zack handled to her. She had tears in her eyes. "You have been warned" Zack said. Together the seven of them all walked out and back to the dorms. They guys were all pissed off. Emily ways saying how horrible for Chloe to have hear them and no wonder she walked to leave.

"Shh, shh love don't worry." Zack tried to soothe her. He was upset also for the way people spoke of the two women. One his mate and the other he was already seeing a little sister. He would bet that Aaron and Ryan and Sam felt the same way.

They got back to the dorm and Josh and Matt walked into the common room. Matt sat on the other side of Chloe and put a blanked around her and his arm over the back of the sectional. He was running his hands through her hair. Josh sat on the floor in front of her and leaned back so that his arm was paralleled to the end of the sectional touching her.

Sam and Zack sat down on their side of Emily on the sofa. She put her head against Sam and pulled Zack into her. They all sat like that for a while. After watching New Moon in the Twilight series, they got up and when into Emily's room to talk in private. Soon Chloe started to stir. "Mmmm." She said in a low sleepy voice. Chloe woke feeling warm and safe. She also forgot for a moment where she was. She pushed off Malcom's chest. Matt leaned away to give her room. "How are you feeling hunny?" He asked gently pushing the strands of hair out of her face and tucking them behind her ear.

"still tired" she admitted. "I think my body is still adjusting to this realm and to using magic." She honestly answered.

"Why don't we bring you to bed and you can sleep some more?" Josh suggested standing up.

"yeah" she said not wanting to be away from them, however. "Can I ask..." she started and paused looking at her hands in her lap.

Malcom put his hand under her chin and tilted her hear up to look into his "What sweety?"

"Would you all sleep in my room with me tonight" she rushed out

"We would like nothing more than hunny, but the bed is too small for all of us" she said with a smile. He was rubbing his hand up and down her arm in comfort.

"I can fix that" Chloe said standing and walked down the hall to her room. They followed her. When she unlocked her door, she walked in and through about a better layout. Closing her eyes, she lifted her arms out and waived them like she was conducting and symphony for f few seconds. The room shimmered and a very large bed appears in the middle of the back wall under. It was in the centered in-between the two large picture windows on each side.

"Wow" Malcom said squeezing her shoulders. "I'm going to change, and I'll be right back." He said walking out and too him own room. The others follow suite. Chloe turned to her dresser and pulled out a large oversized short sleeve shirt and some shorts. She walked into her bathroom, washer her back and brushed her hair and teeth. When she came out Malcom was in the middle of her bed. He crocked his finger at her. She walked over and crawled up the bed to lay draped over him. Her body between his legs. Matt and Josh walked in a moment later and while Matt locked her door Josh climbed into bet on her and Malcolm's left and Matt then joined them on the right. Chloe hummed her appreciation "We should sleep like this all the time"

Matt growled "We are going to have to rotate who is in the middle" he said pulling her in for a scotching kiss. "hmmm" was the only sound she could make.

When the kiss ended Josh on the other side pulled her to him and kissed her with just as much intensity. They broke apart and Chloe looked to Malcom who was staring at her with hooded eyes. She crocked her finger at him, and he leaned forward and kissed her until they both needed air. When he pulled way, he kissed her head and said good night and her other mates mirrored his words. Chloe settled on his chest and listened to him breathing. Between that, Matt and Josh's arms around her back and shoulders she was asleep in no time.

When here breathing evened out Malcom knew she was asleep. "You guys still awake" he said to her other mates and his best friends.

"Yeah, are you guys a turned on by our mate as I am?" Matt asked.

"Hell yeah, but to have her close it's worth it." Josh said.

"Agreed and I'm a little shocked she is talking this so well and as open as she is." Malcom said "I just meant her today and you guys a few days ago"

"Our mate is so sweat. I think we need to be more affectionate with her. She is not shy and if tonight is any indications, she walked us just as much as we want her" Matt spoke more softly. He was stating to fall asleep with the scent of his mate in his noise and her in his arms.

"Tomorrow, I'm in the middle" Josh grouched with a huff and snuggled into his mate's.

Malcom shook his head looking at his mate for the next half hours before his hard on calmed down enough for sleep to come. 

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