4) Sooubway

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Isa and I are complete losers that have no motivation and that's our excuse for this super late chapter

Enjoy anyways~

"Jaiden! You did great!" I yelled, running up to her as soon as she exited backstage. By now the room was mostly cleared out, excluding myself, some workers, and Ethan.

"Psssh, okay, sure." Jaiden said, obviously embarrassed, but she was smiling just as much as I was. Turning from looking at me to peering over my shoulder, Jaiden's expression suddenly turned into a hardly-concealed smirk.

That couldn't be good.

"Hey (Y/n)! Introduce me to your friend here!" Jaiden stepped over to allow Ethan into the conversation, and suddenly the blue-haired boi was standing next to me.

"Oh, yeah." I laughed it off, more embarrassed than anything. I knew Jaiden had something up her sleeve, but now was not the time to call her out on it.

"Jaiden, this is Ethan. Ethan, this is Jaiden." Ethan did a small wave and Jaiden stepped forward to shake hands.

"I think I saw you at our hotel during breakfast!" She commented, and Ethan nodded.

"Maybe." He said with a smile, and I tried to think of a different topic.

"Seriously, Jaiden, you did a great job! We should go out for a celebratory coffee or something." If I was being honest, I just wanted to get out of the panel room. I didn't need my face getting any redder.

Unfortunately for me, Ethan spoke up.

"I know there's a great cafe around here, actually! I could show you guys the way...?"

Jaiden and I spoke up at the same time.

"You don't have to-"

"That'd be perfect!"

Needless to say, the walk to the cafe was mostly Jaiden and Ethan talking.

Just like Ethan had said, the cafe was 'great.' There was hardly anyone else there and the coffee was admittedly just what I had needed.

None of the three of us paid any attention to the time as the conversation flew on. Eventually I warmed up and started to join the talking again.

The moment I started speaking up, however, both Jaiden and my phone's went off. Glancing at my phone screen, my eyes immediately widened, and Jaiden and I shared a look.

"Your signings in ten minutes." I whisper-yelled, just to confirm that Jaiden and I were on the same page.

"We've gotta go!" Jaiden screamed, and we were already halfway to the door before a voice stopped us.

"Wait!" Ethan yelled, getting up from the table. "Give me your phone real quick!"

Stopping in my tracks, I sent a questioning look towards Jaiden, who just shrugged. I unlocked and handed over my phone anyways.

Typing frantically, Ethan handed back my phone and Jaiden grabbed my shoulder.

"We've gotta hurry, (Y/n)! Bye, Ethan!"

I was still looking at Ethan as Jaiden dragged me down the street and all the way back to the convention center.

Huffing and puffing, Jaiden managed to get to her signing with a minute to spare. I sat in a chair behind her, mostly passing the time by scrolling through memes on my phone.

An hour or so later, the signing was almost over, so Jaiden sent me out to get food.

"By the time you're back, I'll probably be done." She reasoned, but logic didn't stop me from shoving her for making me walk around alone.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though, and I came back within thirty minutes with two Subway (Sooubway) sandwiches.

Getting closer to Jaiden's booth, I noticed there were still a few people in line, waiting for a signature. I would've groaned in frustration if the people didn't look so familiar.

"Hey Jaiden! I got Sooubway." I waved the food as I spoke.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Jaiden said cheerfully, turning from the trio she was talking to to me. "I think you know these three already."

I nodded and set the sandwiches down on the table. "Mark, Tyler, and Ethan, of course." I said, shaking each of their hands as I went along. "I hope it wasn't too creepy that I knew that." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. To my my surprise, though, they laughed, which didn't help my red face.

"We were walking around when I recognized Jaiden." Ethan explained, "So I convinced these two to come along."

"You say that like you had to force us over here!" Mark laughed, and his smile was contagious.

"You guys wanna eat some Sooubway with us?" Jaiden piped up, getting up from her seat and standing next to me.

"Yeah!" I piped up, maybe a little too eagerly. "The Sooubway is right around the corner, if you wanna eat with us...?" I trailed off, raising an eyebrow.

The three declined, however, explaining they had just eaten at McDonalds. Jaiden and I shared a look that didn't go unnoticed by Tyler.

"Hey, it was Mark's idea, not ours." He defended himself and Ethan. Mark seemed betrayed.

"Their chicken nuggets are good!"

A laugh and a few goodbyes later, Jaiden and I were watching the bois retreat back into the crowd. I personally was paying the most attention to the blue haired boi of the group.

I was broken out of my haze by a nudge (more like a push) from Jaiden along with a mischievous look ( ° ʖ °)

"What?" I deadpanned, hoping she would buy it.

"I'm totally setting you two up."

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