7) A Day on The Town

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Ethan's POV

Instead of waking up to an alarm like a normal person, I was awakened by the sound of muffled snorting- like someone trying to cover up laughter. Key word: trying.

Opening my eyes, I didn't see anything- because I was cuddling (Y/n), my face covered in hair. Carefully getting up so I won't wake up (Y/n), I peered over the edge of the bed and saw Jaiden on the floor, hand over her mouth.

As soon as Jaiden realized I was awake and looking at her, her cover blown, she stopped trying to hold in her laughter. She was literally rolling around on the floor.

"I swear, if you just took a picture of us cuddling-" I started, and Jaiden's response of only laughing harder proved my point. Before I could get up to chase her and possibly delete the photo (not before sending to myself, to be fair) Jaiden held up her phone to my face.

"I don't think you wanna be here when I wake her up with this, no you might wanna skedaddle" Jaiden chuckled, showing me her phone screen. She had pulled up a song by Smash Mouth and was about to play it full volume.

"It's practically a tradition to wake (Y/n) up with Smash Mouth," Jaiden explained. "You should go back to your room and get dressed, because Mark has a signing we need to get to pretty soon."

I didn't need any more convincing, honestly. So I cautiously got up and out of (Y/n)'s bed and out of her apartment so I could shower and get ready for the last day of VidCon.

Before I left the bedroom, I quietly heard Jaiden whisper "And they don't stop comin' and they don't stop comin'..."

Man, I hope Mark or Tyler was up. I didn't need to be locked out again.

Your POV + Timeskip

An hour before the end of Mark's signing, everyone was starving. It was easier for Jaiden and I to get food, but Mark obviously had to stay at his booth, and Ethan and Tyler wanted to greet fans as well. That's why I had the brilliant idea to throw a last-day party for the boys.

"Hey, guys?" I spoke up, catching the attention of everyone except Mark, who was talking with a fan. "I'm gonna go and get us some food and stuff for when Mark's signing is done, anyone wanna come with to the store?"

"I'll come with!" Ethan offered with a smile. I didn't think too much of it- he was probably just happy to leave this stuffy booth.

"Jaiden, Tyler?" I asked, looking at the two as I said their names.

"Nah, I'm good." Tyler said nonchalantly, and Jaiden nodded in agreement.

"Just it's just you and me, blue boi," I said, trying to use Ethan's shoulder as an armrest .

"Let's go on an adventure, then!" Ethan laughed, and we were off towards the nearest Walmart.

"Okay, here's the plan." I filled Ethan in while we were walking to the Walmart. "I'm actually gonna throw a party for everyone, since it's the last day of VidCon, and the last day everyone is gonna be together."

"Aw, that's so nice!" Ethan gushed. "Does that mean we need, like, party supplies?"

"Nah, we're probably not gonna go that all-out." I laughed "Unless we see a really good discount."

Finally at the Walmart, I grabbed a shopping cart while Ethan was already down an aisle, looking at the back to school supplies.

"Ethan," I poked him on the shoulder, "the party supplies are an aisle over."

"I know, I just like looking at everything!" He said defensively, while I dragged both him and the cart into the next aisle.

"We have to get these." Ethan said, shoving some mystery goodie bags in my face.

"But we don't even know what's in those??" I laughed, looking towards the frozen food section.

"That's exactly why we have to get them!" Ethan objected, putting five of the goodie bags into the cart. I couldn't argue with Ethan's puppy-dog face.

I also grabbed a small piñata as I left, putting next to the goodie bags in the shopping cart.

"How about we just get, like, a ton of Eggos?" I suggested, picking up a box of the waffles. They had a decent discount, where five boxes was five dollars.

"Then we have to get syrup." Ethan reminded me, taking his eyes off the Otter Pops.

"That's no big deal, which aisle has the syrup?" I asked, shoving ten boxes of Eggos into the cart.

"I think it's this way." Ethan pointed, rushing ahead to grab a bottle of syrup. Along the way I started looking around for plastic plates and utensils- and stumbled across pure gold.

"ETHAN!" I yelled, forgetting we were in a public place. He turned his head towards me, two different brands of syrup in hand.

"Which one?" He asked, holding up Log Cabin and Aunt Jemima's syrup.

"You kidding dude, always Aunt Jemima's." I said, grabbing the bottle out of his hand and dragging him back to the aisle I left the cart in.

"But that's not important- look at this." Thankfully no one else was in the plastic plates aisle, so Ethan's view was unobstructed- he was looking right at the Zoo Pal plates.

"Oink, oink, Zoo Pals! Buzz, buzz, Zoo Pals! Quack, quack, Zoo Pals! Zoo pals make eating fun!" I sang to myself while picking up a pack of the plates.

"Think that's everything?" Ethan asked, pushing the cart towards the checkout.

"I do indeed."

"Ayy we're back don't get used to it"

- Cas

Also we estimated this story will be around ten chapters, so. That seems kinda short... but remember our last story was also that way.

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