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This chapters idea is by @perrie2003 so don't hate me for making Annie do that! Hahhha @perrie2003 *insert evil laugh*

Annie's POV
*same day they forgived Kate*
I walked to the park and quickly dumped my bag on the bench. I sat down next to it.
"Go play with your friends." I told my little cousin.
"Will you play with us? Pleaseeeee?" She asks, making the cutest puppy eyes ever.
I chuckle. "Fine. What do you want to play?"
"BARBIEEEEEEEES!" She squeals.
Oh, shoot. What have I gotten myself into?
I sigh and walk over to her. I pick up a Barbie and play with her for the TEN most boring and embarrassing minutes of my life.
"And they lived happily ever after..." My sister beams.
I sigh and drop the doll. I walk back to the bench and pick up my bag. I turn around and bump into someone. I fall and so does my everything in my bag.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay??" Asks someone worriedly.
Short A/N- I hate myself rn. I just wrote almost the whole chapter, and I wanted to check something so I clicked back. It gave me a option of 'Keeping this version' or 'replacing this version'. Being such a idiot, I clicked on replacing. Now almost the whole thing got deleted and I have to write it again! I'm sorry if it's not that good since I'm writing it for the 2nd time. Sorry☹️why did I click on that😑😩
I look up and then my jaw drops.

Guys I have this stupid friend @perrie2003 who can't choose between Max and Damon(guy in the above pic) I keep telling her to choose Max but she won't listen!! This Damon guy is a fictional character and he is THIRTY now!! Please help me make her ...

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Guys I have this stupid friend @perrie2003 who can't choose between Max and Damon(guy in the above pic) I keep telling her to choose Max but she won't listen!! This Damon guy is a fictional character and he is THIRTY now!! Please help me make her choose Max! She told me to make this chapter like this😑😑Comment💗
"I-I'm fine." I stutter.
He smiles.
"I'm Damon."
"I'm Annie."
He gives me his hand and pulls me up. He bends and picks up my books which fell from my bag. He gives them to me and we stare at each other. Suddenly, he grabs a Barbie pen from his pocket and writes something on my hand.
"That's my number. Call/Text me when you need help or wanna hang out."
I nod then giggle." Nice Barbie Pen."
He goes red from embarrassment.
I laugh and we go to Starbucks.
(Pretend her cousin sister went home with someone)
*skip to next day*
We laugh as he picks me up and starts running to the park. He puts me down near a tree and I laugh.
I walk towards him, then me being me, I trip over a rock. I start to fall but he catches me.
I look at him, then he leans in suddenly and our lips meet.
*some seconds later*
I pull away, having a horrifying thought.
"Max..." I whisper, then run away to my house. My phone dings.
🤗Damon aka Barbie Pen Guy😜: hey I'm sorry idk what happened
🤗Damon aka Barbie Pen Guy😜: lets pretend that never happened
Me: k it didn't mean anything bye

I cry a little bit then go to sleep.
*next day in school*
"Hey Annie!" someone said from behind me.
I turn around and see Max. He's smiling at me warmly, oblivious of what happened. I feel so bad, he's so innocent, having no idea anything happened. He waves at me then my heart melts. I hate myself so much for it. I look at him one last time, give him a watery smile and run to the Janitors Closet. I sit down and start crying. I think I hear someone else also cry, but I ignore it. Someone puts their arm around me.
"What happened?" She asks.
I look up. It's Kate. I haven't been there for her, but she's always there for me. But what matters now, is Max.
"Max..." I manage to choke out, crying harder. She gives me a confused look, but I shake my head, meaning to tell her later. She understands, and wraps me in a hug. I cry on her shoulder and wish she never moved away to LA.
Sooo... Sad chapter.🙁 Things will get better, I promise. Also this book might end in a few chapters. Like six more or something. Vote and comment if u want me to end this and start a new one cuz I have LOADS of ideas, or if u want me to continue. If u want me to continue, please comment ideas also. Please convince @perrie2003 that Max is wayyyyy better! I LOVE THIS MUSICAL.LY AND PIC SO MUCH!⬇️😍😘


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I bet Harvey isn't heavy. He's like a twig. A VERY good looking twig. Who loves me.
TYSM for 850+ reads!!!
Bye Harvsicles(idk why I just typed that😂never mind, I'm to lazy to change it😂)

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