Chapter 7: Tooth & Claw.

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I had built up a solid trading relationship with Niylah over the past few weeks. Items such as furs, food and metal I'd scavenged to be made into weapons, anything that was of any use. Each time I visited her my Trigedasleng improved and before I knew it I was able to speak it fluently.
I continued to be cautious of my environment, using a different route each time I made my way to the trading post. There had been a number of strangers wandering around the woods, traders maybe or possibly those searching for Wanheda. I was so focused on being vigilant for bounty hunters, I never noticed another threat at my back, one that could not be reasoned with.
The purple glow of twilight descended on the forest as I made my way back from the trading post. Nearing my shelter I felt a deep sense of dread, a presence of something following me. I pulled my daggers from my belt and searched the trees for this shadow. I knew in my heart what it was and that we would be destined to meet one day, this beast and I.
My heart rate elevated, it's beat pounded in my chest. Each faint rustle, every slight sound the woods had to offer became a potential threat. For a brief moment silence reigned as though the whole forest held its breath in fear. And then it came, a deep growl, so perfectly fierce, so utterly frightening. There was no time to run. I held on tight to my blades, turning on the spot to seek out the one hunting me. Another growl sounded out, this time much closer, much louder. I watched as it emerged, slowly at first, it's sleek form padding towards me with absolute precision. It's eyes were so piercing, deep yellow like glowing amber. It lowered itself to the ground, muscles flexed, all the time it's glare burning right through me.
There was no escape from this powerful beast, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Death was crouching before me and it wanted my blood.

 Death was crouching before me and it wanted my blood

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A flash of tooth and claw was all that came next. That majestic black cat spared me no moment before pouncing. It's deadly form knocked me to the ground with such force I barely had chance to defend myself. Slashing my daggers blindly at the beast, I felt the right one slice through its flesh. A loud roar sounded out into the night as it recoiled away from me. It gave me just enough time to get to my feet and run as fast as I could back to my shelter.
There was no way the panther was going to allow me to escape that easily. I could hear it behind me, it's paws pounding on the forest floor, it's low growls getting louder with every step. Weaving in and out of the trees, my breath rasped and my muscles burned with the pace I was maintaining.
As I approached the hatch to my shelter, I'd noticed the growls had finally disappeared. Slowing to a hault, I turned quickly to face it but the panther was no longer there. I fumbled to open the hatch, my hands shaking. For a split second I took my eyes off the surrounding trees to focus on my task, but a split second was all that was needed to put my life back on the line. I was foolish to think it had simply just given up. It came at me from my right side, leaping from the trees, it's huge paw catching me in the side of my head. I felt the warm, sticky sensation of blood running down my face.

Adrenaline was the only thing that prevented me from passing out

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Adrenaline was the only thing that prevented me from passing out. I moved my foot underneath the cat as it tried to pin me to the ground. With all of the energy I had left I kicked it away. Without a second thought I picked up a dagger and threw it at the panther, hitting it in the back leg. It struggled to stand, tried with all its might to pull it out with its teeth. I took the opportunity to open the hatch and climb inside, locking it down.
That night I sat in the candle light, cleaned my wounds and stitched myself back together. I was exhausted, covered in blood, I was a total mess, but I was alive. Now more that ever I felt ready to battle on, to face whatever came my way, to keep living.

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