Coffee (Thomas Jefferson x Reader x James Madison)

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A/N: Thank you all so much for 3k reads!

[Modern! AU]
WARNING: cursing, dirty-minded thoughts, LGBTQ+
Word Count: 1028

Brew, serve. Brew, serve, break, repeat. That cycle you recited in your head daily was all that you knew at this point. This job had basically consumed your waking days, and sometimes you wanted a way out.

   You lived and breathed coffee. Having grown up around huge coffee drinkers and fanatics, you knew just about everything there was to know. Sure, you loved coffee, but you'd rather be doing something less stressful as a job. Hey, you had to make money somehow.

   Just when you would finally have a break, the bell from the door rang, signaling a customer. You internally sighed, wanting desperately to take a break. Your hands ached and your back hurt slightly. Well there goes that. Two men walked up to the counter, one paying attention and the other...not so much. He's gonna walk into something.

   "Hello! What can I get you?" you asked, smiling. It wasn't one of those fake, forced smiles; it was genuine, as if you actually cared. And you did care.

Thomas' POV

"Hello! What can I get you?" an angelic voice asked. Thomas looked up from my phone and saw the most gorgeous human being ever.

They had long/medium/short hair that framed their attractive face perfectly; their E/C eyes sparkled like diamonds, glittering in the golden light. A smile was on their perfect lips and it seemed real, not forced like most. Their name tag read 'Y/N'. Thomas had never seen someone so breathtaking- besides James, his boyfriend, of course. Thomas could tell he and James were thinking the same thing- Wow, they're perfect. Thomas quickly turned off his phone and shoved it in his pocket as James ordered what he wanted. Maybe we can add one more to our relations-

"What would you like, sir?" the barista asked, giving Thomas a patient smile as he was snapped out of his thoughts.

"Oh, um, just a caramel macchiato please," he replied, silently cursing himself for being so awkward. "E-Extra caramel."

   Y/N nodded, adding it to their total order. "That'll be five dollars and twenty-nine cents ($5.29). Name for your order?"

   "James," James replied, nodding at Thomas with a knowing look on his face as he swiped his credit card.

   Thomas couldn't help but smile a bit. He turned his attention back to you as you went back to fix their drinks.

   He watched as your hands moved gracefully on the machines and along the counter. They fiddled with the buttons on one of the coffee makers, doing it with such ease as if they had done it millions of times. Your beautiful, concentrated face never wavering as you worked. His eyes scanned your body. Every curve seemed perfect to Thomas, and James nudged him in the shoulder, knowing exactly what Thomas was doing.

   Before Thomas knew it, you called, "Order for James?"

James smiled at you kindly as he went over to grab the drinks. Thomas went with him, mainly because he wanted to get a bit of a closer look at you. Thomas' eyes skimmed over your body, taking in every dip and curve. His eyes trailed from your hips to your chest, mainly focusing on-

   "Hey, do you want to sit with my friend and I and have some coffee? It's alright if you have to work," James said, dragging Thomas from his thoughts yet again. He leaned in a bit closer to you and said something to you lowly that he didn't catch.

Your POV

   "Hey, do you want to sit with my friend and I and have some coffee? It's alright if you have to work," the smaller man of the two said. He leaned in a bit closer and said lowly, "It seems he's taken a bit of a liking to you."

You giggled. "Sure, why not? My break is in a few minutes." Smiling to yourself, you turned around and went back to doing your job.

You sighed in relief as you went through the little door that separated the work area from the public area, a cup of coffee in hand. Making your way over to the two men who had offered to have coffee with you, you noticed that they seemed to be deep in discussion. Oh well. You sat down in a chair beside James' friend silently, taking a sip of your coffee.

   "Ah, the lovely Y/N has arrived!" James said with a look at his companion.

   You giggled. "I'm glad I was able to spend my break with you guys. You seem very nice."

   James grinned, motioning to his friend. "That's Thomas. He's usually outgoing; I don't know what's gotten into him today."

   Thomas snapped out of whatever daze he seemed to be in. "O-Oh, sorry. What were you saying, James?"

James sighed. "Nothing important." He got up. "I'll be right back." He walked off to the bathroom, leaving his still warm cup of coffee on the table.

A look of annoyance crossed Thomas' face. It disappeared as his gaze trailed to you. "H-Hi Y/N."

"Hi." You smiled at him. He seems nice enough.

"You're really cute- I mean nice- oh shit that not what-"

You bust out laughing. Probably not the best thing to do, but you did it anyway. Thomas' face turned bright red as you calmed down. "It's alright. I have that effect on people~," you said, winking at him playfully, which only made his face redder. He recovered quickly, however, and you two started having a flirt war.

James' POV

When James came back, he was surprised to see you and Thomas kissing. Well I guess miracles do happen. "I do hope you know that's my boyfriend."

You jumped away from Thomas, face burning in embarrassment. You stumbled over your words, trying to apologize.

James cut you off with a laugh. "Thomas really likes you, and so do I. If you don't mind, we could be in a... what's it called... oh! A polyamorous relationship."

"Yeah!" Thomas nodded his head enthusiastically. "It would be wonderful!"

You pondered this for a moment before smiling at them. "Sure, why not? It would be an honor."

Sorry about this relationship seeming forced and rushed... Writer's block sucks...

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