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After getting ready me and Abby head down the stairs to find our parents, both looking moody as Sh!t..."Excuse me, but mother are we driving or walking to the woods..?" Abby asked nervously. "Walking! You lazy shit!" I looked at our father for help but he just shrugged his shoulders."tch!" My mother was now angry. We walked out the house and down the path. I felt...different....why? After seeing Abby talking to a ghost I feel as if I'm being watched. I turned to Abby, a wide smile on her face. She tapped my hand. "Here you go!" She handed me the phone we brought earlier and a note. Putting the phone into my pocket, I unwrapped the note...
'Slender man said, if we go deep in the forest we'll find his home. He also said he'd get rid of our parents...don't worry his really nice once you get to met him.'
After reading the note I was even more scared, if possible. I stared Abby in the eyes and shock my head 'no'. Abby smiled and didnt say a word. Creepy 7 year olds... "here we are, let loose animals." Our mother gave us a death glare and pointed into the woods. No leafs on the trees, fog everywhere, the path of rocks was even terrifying. Looking past the fog I swear I'm saw a person...."(Y/N)!" My mother slapped me, right across my face. "I-I'm sorry.." our family walked into the horror ahead. We walked around for about 10 minutes until we came across a pond, mucky, smelly, green goo faulted around the water. "Shut it old man!" Me and Abby turned around to see father push mother...we just stood and watched, we were pretty far away from them. "Abby? Why do I get the feeling as if we're being watched?" I looked at Abby," oh, so do I! Maybe because we are being watched" she giggled and looked back at mum and dad. Mother pushed father back. 'Wait, Abby said we're being WATCHED!?' Father slapped mother. Ouch, it looked and sounded as if it really hurt. Mother had tears falling out her eyes. She punched father in the.....men's part....And he fell over, mother being mother she started to kick father. Somehow he got back up and kept punching mum until she was bleeding, he pushed her to hard and she fell into the pond. I was so into the fight I didn't realise the person behind me. Mother started screaming because her new dress was now ruined... "Ahhahahahahhhhhahaahhaaahh" a bag was thrown over my head. Everything went black! I can't see this is BAD! What about Abby? "(Y/N), don't worry our new life is about to start," Abby voice calmed me down a little, but I was still scared of who had placed the bag over my head.
I felt as I was being dragged,I heard to unknown voice they both sounded like men?
"Masky! Are you sure we were sent to kidnap someone?" Voice one spoke.
"Of course, Rogers!" Voice two sounded a little older the voice one, who I'm guessing is Rogers? And voice two was masky? I had no idea but I was scared for abby!
(R- Rogers M- Masky...sorry this is a little easier!)
R-"so, do you think slender will do anything to this one?"
M-"well he did make the other one a pasta. Right?"
R-"yeah I heard that as well.."
M-" hey Rogers! Who is this?"
R-"umm, if I am correct it should be (Y/N)?"
M-"oh okay..."
"HELP!" I screamed at the sound of my voice being spoken."Shut it!" They both said together.
(Time skip)
I heard the sound of locking,a door closing and some laughs and chuckles...'r-rape?' Something tucked at the bag over my face, finally they got it of. Panting for air, I saw a crowd of people...standing around me, staring me down. "Your still alive....Good" a voice said behind me...these people are crazy they look like maniacs! "(Y/N)!" Abby's voiced boomed through out the room... she was happy? A small figure approached me..."welcome to the slender mansion....sister!" Abby smiled and hugged me. "A-Abby?" No words could be spoken, my sisters name was all I could speak. Suddenly a man in a suit, no face like the picture Abby was drawing appeared. "Red eye....that is your name, child." The man spoke to me. How....he has no mouth? Questions filled my mind."you will become on of my proxies!" He was so loud it hurt my ears. "P-proxies?" I was so confused...."MASKY!TOBY!HOODIE!" I only remember hearing one of these voices. Masky. Three boys walked out of the crowd of 'people'. One had a orange jacket on, a feminine mask on and had brown hair. Another had chocolate brown hair, yellow goggles over his eyes and wore a mouth guard, he has a hoodie on, top half blue the rest a peachy colour it was also stained red. The last one had a bright orange hoodie on, I couldn't see his face due to his mask, red eyes and frown, the mask was pitch black. "Toby raise your hand!" The man in the suit yelled, the boy with goggles on raised his Right hand,"Masky!" The boy with white mask raised his left hand. "Hoodie!" The boy in the black mask raised a single finger,middle finger on his right hand. I wasn't easily scared but if they were friend a with Abby they couldn't hurt me? Right? Right? "And I am SLENDERMAN! Also known as slendy to your sister!" Although no reason to shout any of that he did...well If I go death you know why..." nice to met you all?" I said more like a question then an answer. "THESE ARE MY PROXIES SO FAR! YOU WILL BECOME ONE!" Slendys voice echoed in the room, well this is going to be a bumpy ride....

Masky X Reader X Ticci  Toby - Fanfic -Creepy Pasta -Where stories live. Discover now