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Before I Start chapter 10...I feel like writing a Youtuber x reader x Youtuber. I don't know why...But Yeah I feel Like writing a Vanoss x Reader x Delirious....If you Don't know Who they are then...We can't be friends......I'm Just Really into Love triangles....Should I?.....I Don't know....But I Really want to Write one, Because Everywhere I looked their wasn't one...I'm Probably Going to Write One In the Future So, Watch Out? Well Chapter 10 Starts Now....Enjoy....


(Y/N)'s POV

"Hmmm, T-To....B-Bright...." The Sunlight Shone in my Eye's. I Pulled the covers over my Head. "S-Seriously...Too Early...." I Climbed out of bed and Got Changed....I Put on a Pair of Black Skinny Jeans, A Dark Purple Shirt, A Black Hoodie and a Pair of Dark Purple Converse. I Sat On the bed and Looked down at my phone...[7:34] Yup It's early. Stepping Out into the hallway, I walked down Stairs and Into the kitchen. I Saw Masky Making Breakfast, Jeff and Jane Talking about Killing People tonight, Eyeless Jack and Laughing jack Talking about What was better? Kidneys or Candy? Toby, He was alone, And Scared. "Good morning Toby!" He Looked up at me and smiled.

"(Y/N), You're awake, P-Please Sit!" He Spoke Rather Quick. I Raised a Brow and Sat next to him. "Whats wrong,Toby?" He Frowned and Sighed."Well The New pasta,Clockwork, You'll Met her later, she Keeps Flirting with me....I don't Like It." He puffed out his cheeks. "hehehe, You're Really Cute, So I'd Understand why." He Sighed, Yet again, "R-Really...? Y-You think I'm C-Cute?" I nodded to Toby's Question.

He was Cute, So Was..."(Y/N)!" I snapped out of my Thoughts. "A-Abby...?" She Smiled and Nodded"Mr Slender wants you, In his office!" She Ran Out the Kitchen to the front room, Probably going to find Sally. I Stood Up and Waved to everyone and Went Slender. 


I Banged on the door Three times. "Child! Please Come in!" That Booming voice, Never going to get use to it. Walking in I found a Girl...She looked a Little older, She Has Lovely Chest-Nut Hair, A Bright Green eye While The Other was a Pocket watch. "N-Nice to Met you I'm, (Y/N)"  I Held Out my hand. "Ewwww, I Don't want your Germs!" She Pushed me back, Pretty hard, Making me fall over. "Ouch..." I Felt Pain but It Didn't hurt? Standing back up, Slender Sat me down. "(Y/N) This is Clockwork, Clockwork This is- " Before Slender Finished Clockwork Yelled "I KNOW WHO THAT IS! SHE'S MRS GERMS!" She was a sassy one, Drama Queen...Life is going to get hard...I Shock my head in a Disgusted manner.


Slender allowed us to leave, No wonder Toby was Scared. I Started to Walk Away when. "You!" Turning around to the 'Beast' I Sighed, "Yeah?" She stood up tall. "TOUCH.MY.TOBY.AND.THERE'll.BE.TROUBLE." I Was so Confused."His my Friend NOT YOUR'S!" She roared and Speed Walked to the FrontRoom, 'Were they Childhood friends?' So Many questions. 

I Went to the frontroom as well, yup she was Hugging Toby's Arm, Tightly. "(Y/N)! Welcome back" Toby Waved at me. Clockwork Tugged at his Arm, Trying to Get his Attention. He Looked down and Clockwork And Sighed, The Amount of sighs today Am I Right? Toby Stared to Talk to Clockwork. I Walked over to Jane, who was sitting alone. "Hey Jane!" She Smiled at the sight of me. "What do you think of Clockwork." She whispered in my ear.

"She's Kinda...You know? Sassy, Drama Queen, a Bitch?" Jane Laughed at my Reply. She Nodded and Agreed with me. "Well, She's Not only Drooling over Toby But she's been Flirting with Both of the Jacks and Hoodie. Hoodie Just Ran away, The Jacks Locked them self in the Bedroom and Toby's Taking it Like a man." "S-She Hasn't Flirted with M-Masky, Has she?" Jane smirked and Spoke "hmm, Why You Jelly?" I shock my head, Checks slowly turning Red. "well, She Tried, But Masky Didn't Answer her." Anger Built In me, Toby AND Masky...Both My Best friends And SHE GOES AND FLIRTS WITH BOTH!!!!!!!!!

"Well, she may think She can get Away with this but....She has Another thing Coming." Jane Raised a Brow..."hmm, What is my little Devil Cooking up?" She Smirked, Again. "Oh, little devil? Hmm, How about...We Give her a Little....'Spice' to her day?" Jane Laughed like  madman. Toby Just Shrugged as if it was Normal, Clockwork Glared at us. Now then, Punishing Clockwork For her horrid ways...


Sorry for the short update, I'll Write a Longer one on Sunday...Tomorrow I'm Staying round my Bff's....ALSO MORE SHOUT OUTS!!!!



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Masky X Reader X Ticci  Toby - Fanfic -Creepy Pasta -Where stories live. Discover now