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I left the bedroom and Headed down to the Living Room. I Stopped BEN He Looked Kinda Lonely. "Hey Ben!" He Smiled and Spoke "Hey (Y/N), Want to Play Some Games!?" I Smirked and Nodded. "Sure!". We Played for What seemed like hours. We Played some Super smash Bros. "Hmm, Who Do I want to be?" I asked myself. "We should Go Random!" Ben Suggested. "Yeah, And The Winner should Give the Loser I Punishment!" "Wow (Y/N), You're Really getting into this!"  I nodded and We both picked random. Once the Match Started I Saw Mine and BEN's Character's...I Was Dark Link And He Was...."Ahahahahaha! You're Princess Peach!!!" I laughed so Hard I Thought I'd Pee myself. "S-Shut It!" I Kept Laughing as We Played. "What! How'd You Win!?" I Yelled At the TV. " I may Or May Not Have cheated!" BEN Showed me a Sly Smile. "No point in Pouting, Now What's My Punishment?" I Asked him.

Just When BEN Was About to Tell me, My punishment Masky and Toby Walked in. "Maybe, G-Give me a Kiss?" He spoke  Said Quietly so alone I Could Hear Him. I Shook my head, I Didn't like BEN Another To Kiss Him...I Looked Over to Masky and Toby. I Heard BEN Chuckle Behind Me. "How About Give Masky and Toby a Kiss On the Cheek, One Each?" He Spoke Loud This Time So They Could hear him. I Looked Over, Toby Was Blushing And I Couldn't tell what Masky Was Thinking. "F-Fine" I Whispered to BEN. I Swiftly Walked Over to The Boys. I Pulled Toby's Mask Down While I Pulled Masky's Mask up. I Quickly Kiss Masky Cheek, As I Went To Kiss Toby's Cheek I Spotted Masky Blushing, 'Cute'...Kissing Toby on the cheek, I Rushed Away To The Kitchen, Before Leaving I Heard BEN Die with Laughter.

Once in the Kitchen, I saw Sally. "(Y/N), Would you like to join me for a Tea Party,At 8pm tonight!?" I Smiled and Answered with "Of course!" She Giggled "You Should Bring a Prince!" "What do you mean By 'Prince', Sally?" She Stared me in the eye's "He, He, I See How you stare At Toby and Masky!" "W-What do you mean?" "Well You Should bring one with you to my Tea party. You Are a Princess like me and Jane, She's Bringing a Prince as well. I'm Bringing Splendor man. You Should Choose Masky or Toby!" She Ran off.  'T-Toby or M-Masky?' I Wonder. I Should Decide Before 8...Actually I Should Ask Abby! I Ran To Slender's Office, Knowing She'll Be there.

I Knocked Three Times.




 "Come in, Child." I Remember That Voice. 'Slender' I Walked in A Saw Abby In the corner Playing with Dolls. I Turn to slender, He Was At his Desk And He Had Two People In Front of him. They Both Had Brown hair. I Wave to Slender and He waves Back. I Walk Over to Abby. "Hey Abs." She Smiles "(Y/N)!" She Says Loud but Quiet So Slender can Carry on his Meeting. I Couldn't hear what slender was Talking about but I Couldn't careless. "So Why you here Sis?" She Grins And Hugs Me Tight. "Well, Sally Invited me to her Tea Party... And She told me to Invite Someone to be my 'Prince'." I Made My Fingers into bunny as I Said 'Prince'. "Well, Who You Inviting?" "She Gave me some Ideas. She Said 'Masky or Toby'" The Chairs Behind me Moved. I Looked Abby in The Eye. She wasn't looking at me but Behind, I Just Wanted to know her Answer. "Well Who do you think I Should Invite, Abby?" She raised her Brow And Placed a hand under her chin. "Hmm..." She Smiled "YOU SHOULD INVITE MASKY!" She Winked, Not at me but To who ever was Behind me. "Well, Now of to find Masky..." I Stood up and Left without another word. 


Me and Toby were told to Go To Slender's Office. We Didn't listen much. "Come in, Child" We Heard the door Behind us Open, We Didn't look back, We just kept our eye's on Slender. Suddenly Slender Waved to the person Behind us. "Hey Abs " The Girls voice sounded REALLY Familiar, I Just Couldn't put my finger on It. Abby Replied to The Girl But She Was Quiet so I Didn't hear what she said. "Well,Sally invited me to her Tea Party...And She told me to Invite Someone to be my Prince." She said 'Prince' In a Different Tone. "Well,Who you Inviting?" Abby Asked."She Gave me some Ideas. She Said Masky or Toby" I couldn't help but Turn around, Toby Looked as well. Our chairs Moved but The Girl Didn't turn around. Her Hair and Her Voice...Wait, (Y/N)! I Looked At Toby, He was Praying? to Abby. Shit! I need to do something. I Moved my Mask up so she can only see my lips. 'Choose me and I'll show you my Face!' I mouthed those words to Abby.  "Well Who do you think I Should Invite, Abby?" (Y/N) Spoke. Abby Place A Hand on her chin and Raised a Brow. I Took off my Mask And Looked her in the eye's. 'PLEASE!' She Smiled at me. "YOU SHOULD INVITE MASKY!" She Smirked and Winked at me. (Y/N) left and Me and Toby were told to leave Slender's Office. 

I Went to The Living Room and Waited for (Y/N) to Ask me to go to Sally's Tea Party with her. "Have Any of you se-- AH! Masky! I Have a question for you." I Stood up off the sofa and walked over to (Y/N) "Hmm, What's Up?" She Smiled weakly. "W-Would you like to go to Sally's Tea Party with me?" I Nodded and Smiled under my mask..... Now, I get to see (Y/N) In a dress!

Chapter 7, finished. 
I Didn't know what to do for this chapter, So I Went online to find some Other Fanfics, I Found A Ticci Toby x reader and I Red a Bit of that And Thats Where I Got the Idea For the Tea party, Also I'll Get Toby and Masky to call you by the nicknames at the Tea Party! 

Reader- But Toby Isn't going to the Tea Party?
Ayato- Just You wait...HAhahahahahaha
Rin- Creepy.....I don't think She's Human....
Rin- I'm Here to help you with Chapter 8.
Ayato- Oh...Okay.....
Rin- Cheesecake, You seriously need help...Should I call a Docter?
Readers- She Can't ! We need Story!
Ayato- HAHAHAHA MY army of Readers!
Reader- Oh I forgot, I Have To Read Other story...*Slowly Backs Away*
Ayato- D-Don't leave me
Toby- I'm Here for you Ayato
Ayato- T-Thanks Toby...*Sobs*
Toby- Anything For a Friend
Masky- I'm Here to!
Rin- Oh, If we were going to Write about them We might as well let them See what we've Writen..
Ayato- *Grabs Laptop and Jumps Out the Window.*
Toby and Masky- She's Now died.....NOW TO CHANGE THE ENDING!
Ayato- I-I'm Still A-Alive...
Rin,Toby,Reader and Masky- *SOBS*

I'm Forever alone....
Well, Stay safe and Enjoy!

Masky X Reader X Ticci  Toby - Fanfic -Creepy Pasta -Where stories live. Discover now