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(Y/N)'s POV

I Awoke In my Bed...."W-What Happened?" I Stepped out of, I Looked at The clock on the wall. [11:36], "Damn, It's Really late." I Walked over to where I thought 'Masky' Was. I Stepped closer. There he was, No Mask, Snoring Quietly. His Face was Covered By a Smile. "JEFF!" I Jumped at the sudden Scream. I slowly Made my Way towards The Bedroom door. I Twisted the Handle, Pulling it Towards me. Peeking out, I Saw Pitch black. I Looked Down the hall, The Lights Down Stairs were on?

I Put on some (F/C) Slippers and Tip Toed to the Stairs. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" That Voice...I Got Closer to The Front room, Where the noise was. "H-Hello?" I asked Stepping into the Front room. Toby,Jeff and Jane were sitting on the sofas. "(Y/N)! W-Why are you awake?" Toby Asked Shyly. "W-Well, You guys were pretty Loud and Woke me up..." Toby Looked down at the Ground...."W-W-We're Sorry, (Y/N)..." I giggled see Toby So upset over something so Silly. "Don't worry, Anyway Why were you guys Yelling?" I Sat down next to Jane.

Jane Smiled, Jeff Frowned, Toby Looked guilty..."W-We were Trying to Watch a Film But 'Someone'." Jeff Rolled his eye's While Talking "Was to Scared to watch it.." he Glared Toby Down. "hehehe, What Was the Movie?" I Laughed, "Umm, A Horror Movie called, 'Light's Out'" "Wait! a Murderer is Scared of a Horror film?" This Made me laugh so hard I Nearly Peed Myself. Toby Pouted"W-Well, The Effects are really Scary and T-There....." I cut him off. "Shut it! We're watching this movie!" Jane Smirked and So Did Jeff.

Toby Hugged his Legs As we watched, Jeff and Jane were on the edge of their seats, While me, I Sat crossed legged and Smiled Every time Toby screamed like a Girl. I stared at the TV, Toby was correct about the effects, the Main character was a really good actress her face showed true fear. "Well, I'll be back!" Jeff ran out of the living room out to the hallway. Jane stared at the door Jeff just left from, "I'll go see where he is!" She ran after the running man(I've been watching you, at night----I'm going to stop.) the movie was still playing, me and Toby at in silence.'this is awkward' Toby Looked Around the room, Probably trying something to Talk About.

"(Y/N)...I-I'm H-Heading to Bed, Y-You Coming?" Toby Stood up and Walked to the Door. I Nodded, Not wanting to Be Alone. We Headed Up The Stairs. "Where did Jane and Jeff go?" Toby Shrugged his shoulders. "P-Probably went back to their Rooms." We Walked down the Dark,Empty Halls. we Reached the end. "W-Well, see You in the morning..." Toby Opened Masky's and Hoodies Bedroom door. "Goodnight,Toby" He Smiled and Closed the door behind him. "Now, Time for some sleep." I Closed the door and Stepped into my bed.

(TIME SKIP!!!!! Also It's Now Masky's POV and His Having a Night mare!)

Running, Running, Running. My Legs Killed. Where I was Running I had No Idea. Darkness, Everywhere. "M-Masky! D-Don't run Accept You'r Fate...." The Voice He Hated, The Person He Wanted to Kill For being so God Damn Annoying. Toby. "H-Hehehehe, Come on M-Masky....She Doesn't Love you...She Wants you Dead....."  Toby's Voice Echoed in The void...."P-Please....T-Toby Stop.....L-Leave me A-Alone!" I Cried out In Pain.....The Beast himself appeared and Stepped closer. He Placed a Hand on my Chin, Pulling it, I Stared in to his Madman Brown Eye's..."Goodbye, masky....I'll Make Sure (Y/N) Doesn't Remember you....." Toby Laughed, That Laugh.....It Was Always So Friendly...why, What happened to the Once annoying Toby, Who was This Maniac!? The Monster Raised a  Knife Above my Head..."This will Be the end" Toby Chuckled, Pushing down The Knife. 

"AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I Screamed in Fear. Panting for Air, I Looked around the Bright Room. The Sun Was shinning through the window. I Was....In 'Our' room. Staring at the other side, I Saw her.........Her (H/L) (H/C) hair (Hair Length and Hair Color) Her Back faced me..."I-It was a Dream..." My forehead felt warm. I Raised a Hand to My Left Cheek...yup, I Had Been Crying. I Stepped out the Bed's Comfort and Went for a Shower. Picking a Few Cloths From The cupboard I Hopped inside the Hot Shower. 

I Allowed the water to Run down my back. "ha, T-This is Nice...." I Grabbed the Shampoo bottle and Squired to on to my hand. Rubbing the Substance into my hair, I Felt my Back Getting Colder...Looking up to the Shower Control. (I don't know what it's called, But It's The Thing That Lets you Choose Hot or Cold) I Had It Facing Hot Earlier but now It was pointing at the number 3, Twisting it back to it's Rightful place I Continued rubbing the Shampoo. After It Became fluffy I Washed it out...Next was the Conditioner. Pouring it onto my hand, I Scrubbed it into my hair. Once Settled in I Washed it out. I Chose a Nice Smelling Body Wash, Using my hands I Scrubbed it over my body. 

(TIME SKIP.....I didn't like writing the last Paragraph, Male in Shower Written by Female....Uncomfortable...)

 Wrapping a Towel Around my lower half, I Hopped Out of the Bathroom Into the main part of the Room. Walking over to 'My' Bed I Collected my cloths and Dried my hair. (Y/N) Was Still Asleep. "I should Wake her up, Soon." I Got Dressed and Walked out the room, Breakfast in Bed Sounds like a Nice idea. I Walked down stairs into the Kitchen, In there was Jane, Slender, Sally, BEN, EJ (Eyeless Jack ), LJ (Laughing Jack), Jeff, T-Toby and a Girl I've never seen...


Sorry for the short Chapter, I Would've made it longer but I Need To Pick my Brother up from School. He Finishes Soon and I Can't Be late or I'd Probably get grounded. Oh and I didn't go to school today. YESSS!!!!! Why? Because my Mother didn't hve any bus fair....(AKA Any Money for the bus.....For them People Who Didn't know) Well Enjoy your Day. Anyone who Hasn't go check out the People from Yesterdays Shout out, Their in The Last Chapter! 
Thanks For reading and For The Votes and FOR 100+ VIEWS!!!!!!!! Love you all,Thanks you All Dearly!
Lots of love,

Masky X Reader X Ticci  Toby - Fanfic -Creepy Pasta -Where stories live. Discover now