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( Finally Uploaded, Anyway Continuing With The story!)

 I was Left with Masky, Toby left to find BEN. We went back to our room. Something Felt off. We walked inside and I heard Someone in the bathroom? "Psss! Masky...Who in there?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Want me to check it out?" I nodded at his question. He slowly Walked up to the Door and Opened It "H-Hello?" There was A Scream and Then Masky was hit by something and fell back. "MASKY!" I Ran Up to him And Help'd him up. On the floor Next to him was....Toby's Mouth Guard thing? I thought Toby Went to Find Ben. Masky Stood Next to me and spoke "D-Don't go in there..." He sounded scared for dear life."W-Why?" He Walked up to the Bathroom door And Closed it... "T-Toby....Scary..." I Hugged Masky...Trying to make him feel better. Wait So if Toby's Mouth Cover up is out here? That Means I get To See Toby's Face As Well! "I thought he went to find BEN?" I Asked. "Hmm, Maybe He gave up and Went for a Shower?" We both shrugged our shoulders. I Let go of Masky And Sat down on the side of my bed..."Hey (Y/N)? Why do You want to go back to School?" 

"Well, Although I got Bullied, I Wanted to Become smart And I also Want Loads Of friends!" I Answered. I Swear I saw Masky, Clench his fist's when I Said 'Bullied'. I Laid down on my bed, While Masky Just Stood Waiting for Toby. After Nearly Half an Hour later, A Fully Clothed Toby Walked out the bathroom. His Hands Were Covering his Face. "H-Hey Toby!" I Smiled."Hey...Where's my Mask?" 'Now Time to be sneaky....' I looked at Masky, he nodded. He Bent down and Picked up Toby's Mask And Stuffed it in his pocket. "We Don't know Toby" Masky lied.Toby Twitched. "WHAT I THOUGHT I THREW IT AT MASKY!" I Tried so Hard not to laugh. "Well, Show me Your Face and I'll Think About it.." I smirked and Waited for Toby's Reply. "F-Fine but Don't make Fun of me." I Nodded. He Removed his Hand. "B-B-Beautiful!" I Stuttered at him.

"Y-Y-Your Lying!" He Ran over to me. "Now G-Give me M-MY Mask!" I Showed him my Sly Smirk, "Haven't got It" I Pointed to Masky. Toby Showed An angry face, Masky Ran Out the Room, Probably Scared. Toby Chuckled. " Now It's Just me and you, (Y/N)" Eeekkk Scary. Toby Grabbed my wrist And Pinned me down on the bed. He Climbed on top of me...I Closed my eye's tightly... "T-Toby I-I'm Sorry!" I Said As A Few Tears Fell down my face."He he he, Sorry Isn't going to help you!" He brought his face closer to mine. Lips So close. Just Then Jane The Killer Burst through the door. 'Shit! She's Going to get the wrong Idea!' "HAHAHAHAHAHA! I got you so Hard!" Toby Laughed as He Fell of the bed with Laughter. Jane Just Stared, "Okay....I'll Come back Later?" I Just Showed her a face that showed 'HELP ME!'. She Slowly shut the door."(Y/N) You Should have seen your Face!" Toby Spoke Between Laughs. Masky Appeared at the Door..."What's Wrong with Toby?" I Shrugged my shoulders.


' I Could have Kissed her if it wasn't for Jane. Now I'm Going to regret not Kissing her...' I Looked up to find Masky, He was Probably Showing a Face of confusion under his mask. He Threw me my mask and  I Smiled at him "T-Thanks..." I Got up of the floor. "You Okay Toby?" I heard Masky Say. I Didn't answer him I was Deep I thought. Thinking about what would've happened if I Just Pecked her on the lips..."TOBY!" "Ahhh!" (Y/N) Screamed at me. "I-I'm Sorry!" She Shock her head And Left the room, Leaving me with Masky. "Hey Mask!" "What!" "He, Did you hear About The New Pasta?" Masky Shock 'no'. "Well, I Hope She's Nice!" I laughed. "Hey Toby? The new Pasta's a girl? Do you know her Name?" "Jesus! To many Questions! Yeah I heard she's a girl and If I can Remember Correctly Her names 'Clockwork'?"


He was going to kiss you! So Cute! Anyway I Hope you enjoyed also I know Clockwork Isn't A New Creepypasta! I'm Adding her In now so It changes the story! While Your in a Love triangle with Toby and Masky, Toby's In A Love triangle With You and Clockwork...I Have Nothing against Clockwork But In this story shes going to be a Bitch....Sorry To all you Clockwork Fans Its only to proceed the story! Also, If any of you Had Saw That My Eyeless Jack x reader was Published, Rin Deleted! She sent me a message and I Tried to hold back the tears, Also she threatened me!

Rin- Hey CheeseCake!    (Btw We Have Nicknames for one another...)
Ayato- WAFFLE!!!
Rin- When Was Your last time on Wattpad?
Ayato- Well, I Was On it this Morning around 9:30, Why?
Rin- Oh, Okay....You should Check it.
Ayato- Why?
Rin- Stop Asking and just check
Ayato- Your Scaring me...

Rin- He he he
Ayato- Okay....

Rin- Oh, I think It was the gods Punishing you for being mean to me!
Rin- Fine, Use This In Your Story or It'll Be deleted as well...
Ayato- What Story!
Rin- Your Masky x Reader x toby one!
Ayato- Okay! What's Your Idea!
Rin- Well  You know How I Call You cheesecake and You call me waffle?
Ayato- Yup
Rin- Well I want Masky to call the reader Cheesecake and Toby to call the reader Waffle!
Ayato- That's A Good Idea! I'll Use It in Chapter 6 or 7...It depends...
Rin- Yeessssss, I Knew I would Get Through to you!
Ayato- But You still Deleted my Other Story!
Rin- Yeah, Yeah, Yeahh, Don't worry I'll Help You With The Masky and Toby one!
Ayato- OKay!
Rin- I'll Be Your Helper, Give you ideas and Tips!
Ayato- Yup! See you later! Luv you!
Rin- Bye, Bye~

Well Happy Easter to you all!

Masky X Reader X Ticci  Toby - Fanfic -Creepy Pasta -Where stories live. Discover now