Fuck You

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"Tell me how you feel, Camila!"

I looked at her. "You know how I feel about you, Laur."

"Explain it then."


"Because I wanna hear you say it. Tell me what you're thinking. How you're feeling!" Lauren demanded.

I looked into her beautiful eyes and felt anger rise up within me.

"You wanna know how I feel? I love you. Not just a friendly love, either. I'm in love with you. I try my best to ignore these stupid feelings. I avoided you. I dated others. I even thought if I stuck by you more often, I'd realize these feelings weren't real. But none of it worked. You knew I have feelings for you. You knew, and you still led me on. You still pretended i had a chance, when in reality, i never did. I am so deeply in love with you, that no matter what I do or say, there's no getting out of this. I've been in love with you for almost four years, and each and every day, the love I have for you just increases. And it fucking sucks because you don't feel the same way. You never have, and you never will. And it hurts so much to think about that."

She looked at me in shock. "I..."

I shook my head. "Don't. I'm so fucking sick of this shit. I love you, but I can't go on like this."

Her eyes widened. "W-what do you mean?"

I looked her dead in the eyes, emptiness consuming me. "Fuck you. Fuck you and your perfect smile. Fuck you and your beautiful eyes, your extremely attractive voice, your mesmerizing laugh... Fuck you."


"No!" I interrupted. "Leave me the fuck alone."


"Stop, Lauren. I never want to see you again. I can't move on if I'm seeing you almost every day. I can't move on if you're in my life," I said with an angry frown.

"I... if that's what you want..." Lauren said, defeated.

She turned and walked out the door and out of my life.

I never saw her again.

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